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April 2017, 4 months later...

Alex and Derek's apartment - New York🗽

"Damn! My baby's gettin' HUGE!" Derek said as he rubbed my belly.

I playfully slapped his arm. "Hey, that's not nice! I can't help that I'm fat now."

He laughed in astonishment. "Baby! No! I ain't mean it like that! I meant our baby boy is growing, that's all. Now fix your pouty face."

He kissed me. "Derek, what if I stay fat after the baby is born? What if you stop being attracted to me because of it? Even my ankles are fat." I started to cry.

"Babyyy don't cry and you're not fat, you're carrying my baby. I'm still in love with you and all of your body. Nothing will ever change that."

He started to sing to me. "I'll love you when your hair turns gray girl."

My tears quickly turned into laughter. "Ok, Musiq Soulchild." One thing I loved about Derek is that he always made me laugh.

"I just want you to know that I'll always love you, no matter how much weight you gain or how old you get. Shit, I plan on growing old withchu' girl."

A small smile appeared across my face.

"There's that sexy smile I was lookin' for. I'm about to go to work, what you gonna do all day?"

"I'll be working too. I have clients to call to get these consultations done."

"Ok, don't work too hard, sexy."

"You either, handsome." He kissed me and my belly and he was out the door.

I appreciated Derek so much for up and moving to New York to be with me and keeping me safe. Everything we have been through up until this point, I swear was a test of our trust and love. I wanted to do something nice for him to show my appreciation. I'm now seven months pregnant, so we couldn't take a flight out of town, which sucked. So I decided that I was going to cook him a beautiful dinner.

Derek's POV

Man, living in New York was a big change. I mean Atlanta was a big city and fast, but nothing like this. Everybody walked to work or used rideshare, but not me, I had enough money to buy another car out here. I might as well since we hadn't planned on moving back to Atlanta until our baby was 2 months old.

I got a new job still as a mechanic, but my new boss was impressed, so after a month, he promoted me to supervisor. I was making great money being in New York, I still wasn't rich, but I damn sure wasn't broke. Alexandra became the most requested interior designer at her firm, so she also got a promotion to Director making over $20k a month, you do the math.

"What's goin' on Derek?"

"What's up Chuck? How'd that interview go?"

I made Chuck my team lead, he was knowledgeable and the take action type of dude. I never had to tell him to get to work or anything like that. I was grateful to have him part of my team.

"It was great and the girl was SMOKIN'!"

"I have a beautiful woman at home who is pregnant by the way.  I ain't checkin' for nobody else."

"I feel that Derek, but besides all of that, she graduated from University of Florida with a degree in business management."

"Hmm, that's interesting, why on earth would she wanna work here?"

"I ain't ask all that, I'll leave that up to you, big boss! I scheduled another interview for ya'll to meet and you can ask all the questions you want."


"I told her you'd call her to schedule it, her file is on your desk. Her name is Cassandra Parker." Chuck said as he shoved potato chips in his mouth.

I called her and surprisingly I didn't have to leave a message, she answered right away.

"Hello, can I please speak with Cassandra Parker?"

"This is she."

"This is Derek Jones calling from TC's Auto."

"Hi there, Derek."

"I understand you're interested in our Administrative Assistant position?"

"I am."

"Awesome, you do understand that this is a part time position? It could potentially become full time though."

"I'm fully aware. I'm trying to ease my way back into the work life since having my kids. I'm a stay at home mom, but I want something that'll keep me busy while they're in school."

"Ok, I understand that. When can you start?"

"When do you need me?"

"Right away would be nice, but how about tomorrow morning at 9?"

"I'll be there Mr. Jones."

"Please, call me Derek. You'll need to bring two forms of id and a direct deposit form if you choose direct deposit."

"Ok and no thank you. I prefer a paper check."

"Perfect, you'll be training with Chuck. He'll show you how to use the phones and our systems."

"Ok, see you tomorrow, Derek."

I hung up the phone. "Ayo Chuck!"

Chuck came into my office.

"I hired her. She'll start tomorrow at 9am and you'll be training her. Show her how to use the phones and our systems and go over the orientation and have her sign all the documentation. Leave everything on my desk and I'll hand over to HR."

"I got it boss. He said with a big smile on his face.

"Chuck, keep it professional. I don't need no sexual harassment lawsuits."


"Alright, let's get back to work so I can finish up here and get the hell home."


AN: Awww Alex and Derek are really about to be parents 😩☺️😍 next chapter coming!

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