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I went outside to calm myself because I wanted to slap the ghost out of Star's ass for doing that. Miss C came out to check on me.

"Alex, are you alright?"

"I'll be fine, but Star had no right doing what she did. I asked her to stay out of it. I don't care that Derek has my number, but let me be the one to give it to him."

"I get it Alex, I understand your point, but what's the real reason why you came out here with Star and Simone? What you runnin' from?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I'm not running from anything."

"Keep it up, I'm getting sick of ya fresh ass attitude. Your ass is runnin' from something and you're using Simone and Star to do it."

"UGHHH!" I screamed and walked away.


I was so frustrated, I didn't know where I was going, I just kept walking and then an older Chevy car rolled up on me.

"What you doin' out here by yourself?"

I noticed that voice. I turned around it was Derek. I kept walking not wanting to be bothered.

"I'm fine can you just leave me alone?" He parked his car, shut it off and caught up with me.

"Hey! Wait up!" I turned around in frustration.

"What do you want, Derek?"

"So you know my name, can I know yours?"


"Why you gotta be so rude?" I ceased for a moment and told him my name.

"It's Alexandra."

"It's nice to meet you Alexandra. "You don't need to be walking out here by yourself. Especially with these shoes you have on, your feet don't hurt?" 

I looked away.

"Just get in the car."

"I'm not that far from Miss C's house. I'll find my way back."

"Just get in the car Alexandra. I'll drop you off and you never have to talk to me again, I just wanna make sure you get home safe."

I don't know why, but him being concerned for me turned me all the way on. I got in his car and we didn't talk for the entire 5 minute drive.

I didn't want anyone to see me getting out of his car, so I asked him to pull up to the house next door.

"Derek, can you pull up to this house right here? I just don't want anyone seeing me right now."

"That's perfect because that's my house. You gonna be livin' next door to me?"

"I guess so." I said with my eyebrows unnoticeably raised.

"Why you aggravated Alexandra?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

He grabbed my chin, turned my face towards his and said, "I know you got my text message, and since you didn't respond, I'll just tell you to your face. I think you're so beautiful, Alexandra." 

Derek was so gorgeous and the way he looked at me with so much desire, made me feel sexy.

He kissed me and at that moment I felt those same butterflies in my stomach from when I saw him yesterday at the cookout. Usually, I'd punch a dude in his face for trying that with me, but it was something different about Derek. Next thing I knew I was in his house, in his bed, riding him.

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