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A few hours later

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A few hours later..6am

We crept into our apartment and found my mom and Texas sprawled out on our sofa bed, with Destiny cozily nestled between them. Toys and books were scattered all over the floor.

"Seems like they had rough night," I chuckled softly, trying not to disturb their sleep. I moved to pick up the baby, but Derek quietly took hold of my hand.

"Let's take our shit to the room and freshen up. We still smell like sex," he smirked.

I chuckled at his comment. We took a quick shower and changed into something more comfortable.

"I just wanna sleep!" I quietly exclaimed, flopping down on top of Derek and planting a kiss on him.

"Same here, you wore me out last night," Derek replied, giving my ass a rub.

But as soon as we settled in, Destiny's cries pierced the air - I glanced at the clock; it was time for her morning feed.

"Mama's coming, angel face," I mumbled to myself, slipping out of bed.

"Babe, you rest, I'll get her and bring her to you," Derek offered.

"Derek, are you sure?"

"I got it, Alex, relax."

"What's wrong with daddy's princess? Hmm?" Derek cooed, kissing her chunky cheeks as my mom and Texas stirred awake.

"Derek, what the hell? I was about to beat your ass, I didn't know y'all came back. Where's Choo?" Texas asked, rubbing her eyes, fully waking up.

"Alexandra? Darling?" My mom quietly called out to me.

"I'm in my room," I mumbled drowsily. She approached, informing me she had to head out to bring Texas to the airport.

"I love you, Alexandra. My granddaughter was an angel. We started out rough, but we got the hang of it."

"Bye Choo! Love you." Texas replied hugging and kissing me.

"I love you too." Thank you both for watching her. Derek and I needed a break." Just as they were about to leave, Derek walked in with our wide-awake baby.

"There's mama," Derek grinned, passing her over to me.

"Bye, yall!" I called out as they left.

As I breastfed Destiny, I noticed Derek snapping a picture. "Baby, what are you doing?"

"Taking a pic to post on IG of y'all bonding. I love it. Don't worry, I'll edit it."

"You better," I chuckled, teasingly.

"You better," I chuckled, teasingly

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1.5 months later...

"To all who contributed to making this journey possible and endured my crazy mood swings during my pregnancy to meet deadlines... My heartfelt gratitude to each one of you. To my family in Atlanta, who I'm sure is watching this live, I'll be home soon! To my fave cousin, Texas, for traveling all the way to NYC to watch Destiny—I appreciate and love you deeply."

Alex turned towards me and then continued her speech, "To my wonderful and sexy man, Derek. Baby, thank you for holding it down at home, especially when I wasn't feeling like myself. And those walks with the baby? Lifesavers for my sleep." Her words got a chuckle from everyone. "Derek, I'm madly in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too baby!"  I called out, sparking a chorus of "oohs" and "ahhs" from everyone around us.

"Alright, hold on, I'm not done!" Alex raised her voice, attempting to hush the crowd. "To my incredible assistant, who's been more like a big sister, Ms. Tia, a massive thank you! From the invaluable motherly advice to keeping me on track and at my best. To the world's GREATEST boss/CEO, Ms. Patricia, your belief in me made my dream as an interior designer possible. When others said no, you stood by me. Even when I doubted myself as a Director, your unwavering support remained. From the depths of my heart, thank you, Ms. Pat, for the incredible opportunity you provided me at LUXE.

"Alexandra, you'll always have a place here with all of us!" Alex's boss yelled out.

"To my dear mother, who's watching my baby and couldn't join us here, thank you for the unwavering support you've shown. Our relationship hasn't always been easy, but I've always felt your love. Thank you for being a wonderful Nana to Destiny. Last, but not least...to my beautiful baby girl, Destiny, I know you're home with Nana, unable to understand this yet, but Mommy loves you with every fiber of my being. Everything I do, I do for you. You've brought out the best in me, a side I never knew existed. You've added immense beauty to our lives. I love you, my sweet angel face."

"Awwww!" The crowd cheered in heartfelt response.

"Ok! Let me wrap this thing up before I ruin my makeup!"

She turned towards the DJ and yelled, "Hit it!"

We danced the night away in each others arms.

"You're incredible! I'm the luckiest man."

"You sure are," We kissed and continued to revel in the happiness that surrounded us.

(DALEX for Alexandra's farewell celebration at her job)

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We're almost to the enddddd! Finally!

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