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NYE Party

Alex POV

Cassius has been calling and texting me nonstop and it started to annoy me, so I decided to finally call him back.

Cassius: What's going on? How's my two babies doing?

Me: We're doing good. Is something wrong? Why do you keep calling?

Cassius: I just miss you that's all. I get lonely in this big ass bed.

(I don't miss you) I thought.
Me: I fly back tomorrow, but I gotta go. I have to help Miss C set up.

Cassius: "Don't work too hard. I love you."
Me: *hang up*


I didn't feel super comfortable in any of my clothes because my belly was starting to bulge out, so I opted for a black fitted dress that hugged my curves.

"You're ready to just make your appearance since I told our family about you, huh?" I said as I rubbed my stomach.

"You're ready to just make your appearance since I told our family about you, huh?" I said as I rubbed my stomach

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Star came up the stairs to get me. "Alex, come on! It's 20 minutes til the ball drop!"

"I'm coming. Hey Star?! Is Derek here?"

"No." She headed back to the party.

I went downstairs to mingle and eat with everyone and Miss C had us say what we wanted new for this year.

Star: "I want a man for the new year and to take off in our music! So far it's been great!" We all laughed.

Simone: "Just to graduate high school and have a better life."

Bruce: "No damn drama between you she-devils."

Cotton: "I needs me a man. A rich one in Alex's tax bracket." We bursted into laughter

Me: "I just want to be happy and to have a healthy and happy baby. And to be the best mother I can to him or her."

"You are Alexandra." Simone said rubbing my belly, followed by Star.

"Hi baby, do you hear me in there? It's your auntie Star. I just want you to know that you are so loved by your Mama, daddy and all of us. You have the best mama in world."

"Star, why you gotta make me cry?" I asked wiping a tear. "This baby is making me so emotional."

"Ok, we got 10 minutes til the ball drop! Carlotta, it's your turn." Miss Bruce said.

"I just want this family to stay together and for everybody's dreams to come true."

All of a sudden the door opened and the whole block entered Miss C's house.

"Mama, what the hell?" Cotton asked.

"They knew where to go to get a good meal." Miss C cranked the music. "We got 1 minute! Everybody find someone to kiss into the new year or grab a drink if you ain't got no one."

"It's ok, Alex. You can ring it in with all of us. I know you were waiting on Derek."

"I love you guys." I said hugging them.

"Here we go everybody! 5...4...3...2...1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Everybody shouted. Star and Simone kissed me on both cheeks and we had a group hug. Just then, Derek appeared, pulled me by my waist and kissed me deep, in front of everyone.

We pulled away, still standing face to face.

"You ain't think I was gonna let the clock strike 12 and not get a kiss from my baby mama did you?" He kissed me again.

"I wasn't so sure."

"Alexandra, I'm sorry for everything. I want what's best for you and our baby. I'll agree to whatever you want, to have a stress free pregnancy, but I will not let my child be raised by another man or in another state."

"Derek, I-."

"Alex, I don't wanna fight anymore. I shouldn't have exploded on you earlier, and for that I'm sorry, but I'm not ok with this."

"It's ok and I understand where you're coming from, but I don't wanna talk about this right now. Can we sneak off somewhere?"

"Yeah, we can go to my house. Grandma is there with Bo, but I'm sure they're both passed out drunk." I just snickered at his comment.

" I just snickered at his comment

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Derek's POV

We got to the front porch and Alex stopped me.

"What's wrong?" She looked at me with hella lust in her eyes and kissed me.

"Nothing's wrong. Let's get inside."

We got in the house and saw a sight that I never in a million years would ever wanna see.

"OH HELL NAH! GRANDMA! What in the hell is this?"

Alexandra covered her eyes in disgust and laughed.

Grandma and Bo were gettin' busy.

"Boy, this is my house and I'll do anything I damn well please." She was in my face and I smelled the weed and liquor on her breath.

"How you doin' baby?" She said to Alex.

"I'm-I'm fine. Miss Ruby, can you guys please cover up?"

"After all the sex you two had in my house, you shouldn't be bothered by nothing y'all see."

"GRANDMA!" I yelled. She still wasn't listening, so I grabbed Alex's hand and ran to my bedroom, closing and locking the door.

"Bet you two goin' to have sex right now!" She yelled out. Alex couldn't stop laughing.

"I don't see nothin' funny about this shit. It's disgusting." She kept laughing.

"I'm sorry Derek, even though it was disturbing, it was funny as hell!" She was really cracking up.

"Oh you think it's funny?" I pulled her on top of me.

"Ahhh! Derek!" Her head hit me in the lip as she fell on top of me.

"Ow! Your big head gave me a boo boo." I whined.

"Mmm, you'll be alright."

"Can you kiss it and make it better?"

"You're such a big baby." I puckered my lips up for a kiss and she pecked me.

"Another one." I said. She kissed me, but this time I laid her on her back kissing her immensely.

We stared into each others eyes and she said,

"Make love to me."

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