Merry EX-mas🎄Part I

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3 days before Christmas..

"Alexandra, do you have to go to that hell hole and miss Christmas with your family? You know your cousin, Texas, will be here."

"Mom, they are my family, more than you and dad have ever been. And yes, I know, Texas called me."

Little did my mother know, that Texas was catching a flight out to Atlanta with me and Cassius.

"Darling, are you gaining weight?" My mom asked as I threw some more clothes in my LV suitcase.

"Mom, that was rude. However, me and Cassius work so many hours that we don't have time to cook, so we are always ordering out. So yes, I did gain a little weight."

"I really like this boy, he's better than that hoodlum you swore you were madly in love with." My mom said as she pet her chihuahua.

"Mom, I don't wanna bring him up. I doubt I'll even see him."

"Ok, well, I'm off to run some errands. Texas will be here soon, I sent a car to the airport."

"Ok, see you later mom."

Thank goodness she left. She was getting on my last nerve! I was so nervous about going back to Atlanta. Nobody knew I was coming except Miss C, she always told me her place was my home.

Since Cassius was gonna be with his family, I was gonna be with mine. I decided to log into my IG after 3 months and the first post I see is of Derek and the girl that drugged him.

"What the hell Derek?" This just threw me for one, I was kind of annoyed, but then I saw Stars comment and busted out laughing.

"She never ceases to make me laugh."

Atlanta, GA"Damn! This airport is huge!" Texas yelled

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Atlanta, GA
"Damn! This airport is huge!" Texas yelled.

Texas was used to always flying our private jet, but since me and my dad still weren't on the best terms, he wouldn't let us use it.

"Yeah, I know. Let's hurry up and get outta here."

We rented our cars and me and Cassius went our separate way.

"So, I'll see you in a few days?" Cassius asked as he wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me close.

"Mhmm. Sounds like a plan." He pulled me in for a kiss.

"Ok, I'll see y'all later. Bye Texas!"

We got in the car to drive to Miss C's house and the closer I was to getting there, the more nervous I got and I guess Texas could feel it because she called me out.

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