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Derek's POV

"A baby?" I said to myself as Alex dropped that bombshell. I held her as she slept on my chest. As bad as we wanted to have each other, we just couldn't after that. I had so many questions: Am I the father? How and when did this happen? Is this why she ran off without telling anyone? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, it was Texas.

"Hey, is my cousin here? I've been calling and texting her all night with no response."

"Yeah, she's sleeping. Come inside."

"Thank you. Look Derek, I'm sorry for punching you, but Choo Choo is my world and I'd do anything to protect her."

"It's cool, I understand because I'd do the same thing. I love Alexandra."

"I know you do." She smiled.

"Gimme a second, let me go wake her up, it's like pulling teeth though."

"She's been like that since we were young, I guess some things never change." We laughed.

I went to wake her up, I didn't want to because she looked so content.

"Baby?" I said as I moved her hair out of her face. "Alex, baby, your cousin is here."

Her eyes fluttered open.

"Damn, you're beautiful." I leaned over and kissed her lips.

She got up, put her clothes back on and went into the living room, where Texas immediately embraced her.

"Oh my God! Choo choo! I was so worried about you."

"Texas, I'm fine, I ended up falling asleep."

"Yeah, Star told me you'd probably be here and I had nothing to worry about. Are y'all good?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Nothing, I just was making sure you're ok, you wanna go out to breakfast?"

"I would, but me and Derek have a lot to talk about. I'll be home in a little while."

"Ok, Choo. I love you." Just as Texas opened the door, Kris appeared. I palmed my head because this was not gonna be good.

"Really Derek?" Kris asked pissed off. "I've been calling you all night and you've been here with her?!"

"I don't have time for this shit. Derek, call me later." Alex said as she walked past me heading out.

"He will NOT be calling you, bitch."  Alex turned around so quick and I knew what time it was.

"Excuse me what did you just say?"  At this point they were face to face.

"You're that bitch that was eyeing my cousin at the party last night. I should knock you the fuck out!" Texas said bucking at her.

"No Texas, I got this. Call me a bitch again and I'll do more than break your bones. Let's go Texas."

"BITCH! And Derek, you need to learn how to control your hoes!" Texas yelled as she bucked at Kris once more.

I waited until Alex and Texas left, to talk to Kris.

"Kris, I know what you're thinking, but me and Alex didn't sleep together, but her and I do have a lot to discuss. I know that's not what you wanna hear, but it has to happen.

"Why? Derek what is it with you and her? You've known me for ten years, and never gave me this much attention or much less fought for us to stay together."

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