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After I hung out with Derek I headed back to Miss C's to say my goodbyes.

"I think this is the everything." I said as I brought my suitcase downstairs.

"We're gonna miss you!" Simone said hugging me.

"I'll miss y'all too, but I'll be back. Obviously." I said pointing at my stomach.

"Girl I'm surprised Derek's ass ain't going back to the big apple with you." Cotton said hugging me.

"Oh, believe me, he tried, but it's not a good idea since Cassius still lives with me."

"Now you know Derek's ass don't care nothin' about that. You know he's the type to pop up." Miss Bruce said getting up to hug me.

I just chuckled.

"You be safe out there, Alexandra. Like I said before, you can always come home."

"Thanks Miss C." We hugged.

"Aleeeex, do you really have to leave?" Star asked pouting.

"Yes, but this time you'll know where I am and no secrets."

"No more secrets, you promise?" Star asked.

"I promise." I lied

"How's Derek doin' with all of this?" Star asked.

"He's not happy about it, but I told him it's best that he stays here."

"Alex, you can't do that to him."

"Star, I know what I'm doing."

"Look, I'm not trying to be in your business. Are y'all back together?"

I was silent for a minute and said, "We're working it out."

"Judging by that mark on your neck, he worked it out real good." Cotton said laughing.

I said my last goodbyes and heeded to the airport.


Manhattan, NY

I got back to New York and my mother was at my apartment seemingly irritated.

"Mom, how did you get in here and what are you doing here?"

"Cassius let me in before he headed out."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Alexandra, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? No wonder why you're gaining weight?"

I folded my arms and said, "That's none of your business."

"Alexandra! You can't be having a baby at 19 years old!"

"Mom, this is my decision! Not yours!"

"I'm just happy it's not by that hoodlum boy."

"Derek isn't a hoodlum." I said crossing my arms again.

"Oh my gosh, it's his, isn't it?"

"Mom, that's none of your business. Who told you I was pregnant anyway?"

"Cassius did."

"Of course." I said rolling my eyes.

"He loves you Alexandra and I hope you come to your senses and realize he's the one for you."

"Mom, it's time for you to leave. I'll call you, I love you."  I said opening the door.

Later that evening...

"Babe! You're back!" Cassius said trying to kiss me, but I put my hand up blocking him.

"Wow, that was rude."

"Why on earth would you tell my mother about the baby?" I asked aggravated.

"Because I thought they'd wanna share our excitement."

"Cassius that wasn't your business to tell."

"I have every right to share because this is my child too."

I got fed up and contemplated telling him the baby wasn't his, but I refused.

"That still doesn't give you the right to tell MY parents a damn thing!"

"Alex, I apologize."

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again."

He moved closer to me trying to kiss me again, but I backed away."

"Alexandra, what's going on?"

"Nothing, I go back to work tomorrow and I just wanna be focused on that. Dinners on the stove, good night."


My first week back to work was great and it made me realize how much I've missed it, but I also missed Derek. Although we weren't officially back together, we still decided to work it out for our baby's sake, who was growing healthy by the way.

We find out the sex in a few weeks and I couldn't be more ecstatic. Derek still was mad that I'm living in New York, but we talked everyday whether it be through text or phone calls. I haven't told Cassius about the baby being his, but I planned to do it soon, my mom was trying to be a good mom by going with me to appointments and just being there for me, while respecting my wishes to keep things as private as possible.

My dad on the other hand has tried to make money off of my pregnancy countless times. I blame Cassius for this because had he not said anything to my mother, Roland would've never found out. This was another reason why I knew Cassius wasn't for me; I can't trust him.

My day was almost over when I realized I didn't have my phone.

"Damn, I must've left my phone at home. I wanted to tell Derek that I felt the baby kick for the first time."

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