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The next morning...
I couldn't sleep, truth is I had a lot on my mind, and I guess Alex could sense it because out of nowhere she asked, "You wanna talk about it?"

I ain't even know she was awake because her eyes were still closed. I knew I could talk to her, but I didn't wanna burden her since she's pregnant.

"I thought you were sleep."

"I was,  but you're nervous about something, I can feel it through your body heat."


"Derek, you're sweating as if you have a fever." She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Talk to me, you know you can tell me anything right?"

I sighed. "I know baby, but you're pregnant and I don't -." She cut me off.

"Derek, we're partners. You talking about your feelings isn't gonna put stress on me or our baby."

We both sat up in the bed, still next to each other, to talk and I let it rip.

"Babe, the truth is I'm overwhelmed. There's so much going on. I have the shop to run, but I can't be there because I have to be here with grandma. This is taking a toll on me because she's scared to be alone since it's only been me and her."

Alexandra didn't say anything, she just continued to listen while rubbing my shoulder.

I turned my head to look at her. "Then there's you. I feel like I'm neglecting you when you need me the most. I be missing doctors appointments when I should be there, I'm here in Atlanta, knowing damn well you don't need to be traveling. You're  the most important person in my life and I don't wanna lose you."

She wrapped her arms around me. "Derek, you're the best man that I know. You're ALWAYS there for me and everybody else. You're not neglecting me, you're taking care of me. Ever since you took that job at the shop, I don't have to work as much and that's taking stress off of me and babygirl right there. I love you and I know you're going to be the best father to her. I know that because you're the best man to me.

I hugged and kissed her. "I love you so much Alexandra. Thank you for always being the one I could go to, you're literally my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you."

Gods Blessings...later that day.

""Hey everyone!" I greeted as I entered the room.

"Hey lil miss boujie. What brings you by?" Miss Bruce replied with a smile.

"I need my hair done. Can you pleeease squeeze me in?" I pleaded.

"I'll take you after my next client," she assured me.

"Thank you. Where's Star and Simone?" I asked, looking around.

"They went to grab somethin' to eat. They should be back soon. How's Derek?" Miss C asked.

"He's okay. Just trying to be there for Miss Ruby as much as he can," I answered, holding back the deeper concerns. I didn't want to gossip about my man's business.

"Okay, well, I'm going to Ruby's in a few. She called me this morning and said she's not having a service or anything for him," Miss C shared.

"Really? I mean, Derek told me he didn't have any family, but at least a party would be nice with all of us," I said, slightly disappointed.

"Listen, when Ruby's done made up her mind, that's it," Miss C replied firmly.


As Miss Bruce finished doing my hair, Star and Simone walked into the salon, handing me a bag of Popeyes.

"Ouuuu thank you! I was craving these biscuits, and me and my baby are hungry!" I exclaimed with delight.

"Y'all heifers didn't think about us?" Miss Bruce teased.

"Sorry, but Alex is having our baby," Star defended.

"Yeah! I'm having y'all's baby," I added playfully.

"Get the hell outta my chair, Lil Miss Boujie," Miss Bruce said, pretending to be annoyed.

We all burst into laughter at her mock aggravation.

"How's Derek?" Simone asked, concern evident in her voice.

"He seems to be doing okay, but Star, let's go outside. I want to talk to you," I said, motioning for her to follow me.

"What's up, Alexandra?" Star asked, joining me outside.

"I listened to the track, and I think it's a great song," I began.

"I knew you'd love it!" Star exclaimed.

"It needs some work, though. The lyrics are good, but it's missing something. Tell him not to release this yet," I advised.

"Alex, are you sure? It's supposed to be on his next album," Star replied, slightly hesitant.

"Star, I'm positive. That song is not finished yet," I insisted.

"So, you wanna write a verse?" Star asked, curious.

"I don't know. I can't really relate to this song because I'm in love and I'm happy," I explained.

"Okay, did you at least record your demo?" Star inquired, disappointment visible on her face.

"No, Star. I just said it's missing something, so why would I record it?" I responded honestly.

She looked at me with a tinge of disappointment.

"Listen, just hold onto it. I know I can find the words, but they're just not coming right now," I assured her.

"Okay, Alex. I trust you," Star said, finally accepting my decision.



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