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After all the shit that's been going on with grandma, I really hadn't taken much time for Alexandra. I know she's supportive of everything I've decided to do as far as coming back and forth to Atlanta to be here for grandma, but my guilty conscience has been eating me up.

She flew back to New York because she has  another doctor's appointment tomorrow, which I was gonna miss yet again. Her birthday is next weekend, so I'm throwing her a huge surprise party, with Star and Simone's help.

I went over to Miss C's to discuss what we wanted to do, and everybody wanted to help.

"Y'all, thank you so much for wanting to help give Alexandra the best surprise party. I really appreciate it, and I wanna throw her the biggest party to show how much I love her," I expressed my gratitude.

"Derek, we know this shit has been hard on you," Star said.

"Alex told you?" I asked, surprised.

"No, Alex don't tell us everything. It's obvious that you're overwhelmed, so we wanna do as much as possible to give our sister the best birthday ever," Star explained.

"Thank y'all so much, really," I replied, feeling grateful for their support.

"Yeah, so we're taking complete control. Since Alex is damn near about to pop, everything is gonna have to be in New York," Cotton suggested.

"How about we do her birthday party and the baby shower at the same time?" I suggested, hoping to make things easier.

"No, I know Alex, and she's gonna want everything separate. She's boujie and over the top, but she's still so simple," Star said, understanding her preferences.

"Hey, how about we get Texas to help us out?! She knows Alex better than any of us," Simone proposed.

"That's a great idea!" I exclaimed, getting excited about the plan.

"Perfect! I'll slide into her DMs and get that done. We have to secure a venue, make the guest list, arrange decorations, plan the food, and order the cake," Simone took charge.

Miss Bruce chimed in, sharing her expertise, "Me and Carlotta will handle the food and cake, but Alex ain't dumb. How we finna' pull this off? Y'all know Miss Boujie ain't exactly a fan of surprises."

"Well, I was thinking about doing everything here in Atlanta, but like Cotton said, Alex is about to give birth. How about I tell her that I'm taking her out on a date for her birthday and that you're gonna fly out to New York to do her hair," I suggested, hoping it would work.

"Ok, Derek, that might work," Bruce said, munching on her watermelon.

"Ok, let's get this thing going. Simone, you'll be in charge of getting in touch with Texas. Me and Cotton will work on securing the venue and the decorations, while Bruce and Carlotta will handle the food and cake," Star assigned tasks, taking the lead.

"Ok, what about me?" I asked, eager to contribute.

"You just make sure this stays a surprise. We got this, Derek. Go back to New York, take care of your woman, and don't stress," Star reassured me.

"Thanks again, everybody. I'm actually about to go catch my flight back out there," I said, feeling grateful for their support and excited for the surprise party we were planning for Alexandra.

 I'm actually about to go catch my flight back out there," I said, feeling grateful for their support and excited for the surprise party we were planning for Alexandra

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I woke up once again, and the ache of missing my man washed over me. But deep down, I knew he had to be there for Miss Ruby. I couldn't bear the thought of losing Derek or anything bad happening to him, so I understood the importance of his support for her.

Looking at my growing belly, I whispered, "Well, baby girl, daddy is gonna miss how big you've gotten."

The sadness filled me as I realized Derek wouldn't be able to make it to our appointment, but I held onto the hope that he'd be there for my birthday. It's mind-boggling how much I've been through at just 19 years old—heartbreak, abuse, and the challenges of being pregnant. Yet, these experiences only prove my strength and determination to make my 20s the most incredible years of my life.


AN: Next chapter loading! Do y'all feel like this story is DRAAAAAGING???? LOL I DO! It's almost done though. 🤘🏼✌🏼

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