Wednesday, the 3rd of January

7 1 0

Betard tram :D
The traffic lights didn't work, but fortunately we have kind people in Wrocław.

Philosophy class was a bit boring today. Or maybe that was just me being sick and tired and therefore falling asleep.

M. T. was there, of course. K. even nearly bumped into him while leaving the classroom.

J. said hi to me again :D
I love this man.

And the traffic lights got fixed.

The break was short and then I had to go back to classes. It wasn't that bad. We had more theory in grammar. I have no idea how I will remember all of that for the test in two week's time. Then there was a break so I chatted with K. for a while. We also saw M. again. Of course. And then the literary theories class - the topic I have to prepare a presentation on. I will really have to revise it a lot, cause it's rather complicated. And it's the longest one.

Back at home. Ate dinner. Then just chilling. Rping with W. - the shirt plot with M. being back from Barcelona and changing clothes.

I've finally dealt with the apprenticeship documents. It took me longer than I thought it would.
Then I washed my hair and then read the text for the literary theories class next week. No notes this time as there were no questions. And the text had 4 pages. Nice compensation for the last time...

I don't know what I will be doing for the rest of the evening. I was going to watch sth, but I have a bad headache, and ugh...

Okay, time to watch something.
Also, rping with W. in the meantime. We developed the plot mentioned before - the dance.
The King's Man (2021):
I've watched some part of it on TV with my grandpa at some point. It was nice. Ralph Fiennes is in it. It lasts more than two hours tho, so I better get going as it's already 11:07pm.
Oh and the guy from Game of Thrones is here as well - Charles Dance.
Conrad kinda cute with his fascination with King Arthur.
I love the British accent <33
Normally, I don't like female characters. But Polly is really nice :D
I forgot that Rasputin was there as well. And he's emo xD
The whole rings idea is kinda nice. I like it a lot. I also like that they are provided with the poison.
What a nice train.
"Small things can grow into big problems."
What a cool trio of cousins.
"Legally, you're not old enough to join up." "But still young enough to believe it's an honourable thing to die for one's country." "The object of war is not to die for one's country, but to make the enemy die for theirs."
"Reputation is what people think of you. Character is what you are."
What a nice castle. Lovely. And they have a lovely Christmas tree!
A monk you say... with those bitches right next to him? Interesting.
Okay but Rasputin's clothes >>>
He's so annoying tho...
Nice fight. Really dynamic.
How is he so strong and immortal? Is this a fucking boss fight?
Let's go Polly! I love her<3
Lenin? Interesting.
The birthday scene is cute.
Omg and the German castle >>
Also, the kaiser has really beautiful blue eyes.
Omg it's Aaron Taylor-Johnson. I knew that I'd seen this face before as well :D
Let's go,Conrad can use his knife fighting skills.
Omg I understood some German. Thank you, Duolingo.
What the hell?! For real?!
That line about the resignation and a cup of tea was kinda cute.
Omg the interior of the embassy...
Oh fuck this...
Ah yes. The big reveal. The problem is, I didn't really care about it.
Okay, the movie wasn't bad, but it was too long for my liking.
Aww the last scene tho >>> It was really cute. And "Lancelot" was there as well :D
Oh, there is some scene during credits it seems. Oh. It actually makes sense. Sure. The painter.

Now I'm probably just gonna chill for some time on yt. I don't feel like reading today. And of course I will probably rp with W. in the meantime.
Yep, we started some new plot with them being at a masked ball.

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