Chapter 102: World Five

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Jun Lin's facial expression briefly lost control for two seconds. He struggled to convey to Mu Bai that he suspected deception, managing to regain composure and feigning a puzzled look as he asked, "Really? What's the use of that?"

Two seconds might seem short, but Sheng Qingyin had been observing him, and that time was enough for her to realize that something was off with Jun Lin.

"Jun Lin, do you know something?" Sheng Qingyin inquired. With Mu Bai's almost explicit hints, she quickly connected the scattered clues.

When she received her uncle's call, her grandfather had already been in the hospital for an hour. Speculating further, her grandfather might have been brought to the hospital around four o'clock, suggesting the accident might have occurred even earlier.

Once the timeline was established, Sheng Qingyin couldn't help but recall that around four o'clock, Jun Lin seemed to have left her for a while, and she wasn't sure where he went.

Considering the available information, the word "coincidence" seemed insufficient to explain Jun Lin's behavior, especially his current unease and the visible tension in his clenched fists.

With a more serious expression, Sheng Qingyin questioned, "Jun Lin, what were you doing around four o'clock this afternoon?"

Hearing her question, Jun Lin became even more uneasy, but he continued to deny, "We've been waiting for the guild leader to return all along. I felt a bit unwell, went to the restroom for a moment. If you don't believe me, there should be surveillance in the lobby. You can check."

Jun Lin nervously recounted, the call was indeed taken in the restroom, and at that time, there weren't many people around. Even if they checked the surveillance, it should align with his story.

Sheng Qingyin's brows slightly furrowed. Jun Lin appeared confident, and could it be that he was telling the truth? But Mu Bai wouldn't lie to her, especially not without reason and in such detail.

Sheng Qingyin: "Jun Lin, can you show me your phone?" She was straightforward in choosing to believe either Jun Lin or Mu Bai.

Jun Lin's eyes showed a hint of disappointment, and he let out a sigh. "I didn't expect that our friendship of more than ten years is still not as valuable as the bond between you and Mu Bai..."

Jun Lin didn't finish his sentence, not because he didn't want to but because he couldn't withstand Mu Bai's gaze. He awkwardly stopped and then took out his phone from his pocket, unlocking it before handing it to Sheng Qingyin.

"Qingyin, feel free to look. I didn't have any call records during that time," Jun Lin said. He had deleted such records long ago; there was no trace left.

"Wait a moment," Mu Bai interrupted Sheng Qingyin's movement, standing up to face Jun Lin. "My memory is pretty good. Although he recited the number quickly, I still managed to memorize it."

Mu Bai, almost the same height as Jun Lin, met his gaze. Before Jun Lin could evade eye contact, Mu Bai recited his phone number.

"My phone number is not a secret. Mu Bai, if you want to know, it's quite simple," Jun Lin said, regaining his composure with some psychological preparation.

The call records on his phone had been deleted. Barring any unexpected events, the doctors who initially treated Sheng Hua at his request should also have deleted the call records from his phone.

With this, decisive evidence was gone. Regardless of what Mu Bai said, as long as he didn't admit it, there was nothing the other side could do.

Furthermore, Mu Bai was a vampire. How could the people in the guild not believe him and instead trust their sworn enemies? Even if Sheng Qingyin spoke in his favor, it wouldn't matter. Enemies were enemies, and the flowers on the graves of more than fifty hunters were still fresh! They would undoubtedly stand on his side, even if he were the one in the wrong.

I'm competing with the male lead for the supporting character. [GL] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora