Chapter 11: World One

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After Qingyin reaffirmed her stance, a cheerful smile bloomed on Mu Bai's face, and she exuded an air of contentment. Meanwhile, the trio of Lu Yan, Xia Qi, and Shen Xin found themselves in silence, silently worrying about whether their friend had been genuinely won over by someone who was now, in turn, helping them count money.

Xia Qi had intended to say something further, but before she could speak, Shen Xin tugged at the hem of her clothing and shook her head in disagreement.

Although Shen Xin wasn't particularly talkative among the three, she was acknowledged as the most reasonable one. With her stance clearly stated, Xia Qi could only swallow her frustration.

"Just wait for me. Once that annoying Mu Bai leaves, I'll be reporting every day! We'll rescue Qingyin, who's like an innocent little bunny being lured away!" Xia Qi's determination to get Qingyin back was evident in her words.

In the presence of Qingyin, the atmosphere in the private room remained harmonious. As the evening heated up, the red wine was served.

Xia Qi swiftly opened two bottles of wine, and with the wine bottles in hand, she filled the glasses on the table one by one.

"Here, let's consider what happened earlier a misunderstanding. Let's drink this toast and pretend nothing ever happened," Xia Qi said as she handed the fullest glass to Mu Bai.

"Sure," Mu Bai replied with a smile, raising her glass and clinking it with Xia Qi, before downing the entire glass in one gulp.

"Let's hope that just like this glass of wine, there's not a drop of misunderstanding left between us," Mu Bai said, displaying her sincerity with the wine glass.

Xia Qi's expression changed slightly as Mu Bai, unflinchingly, drank most of her glass. It seemed that Mu Bai had some real skills after all!

"Of course," Xia Qi replied and, not wanting to be outdone, she downed about half of her glass in one go, also showing her sincerity.

Seeing her friends reconciling with each other, Qingyin felt very happy. She raised her glass and said, "Thank you all for celebrating my birthday with me. I'll drink first!"

Qingyin's alcohol tolerance remained a mystery to everyone except herself. However, all four people present were well aware of it. So after she had two drinks, Shen Xin took her glass, engaged her in conversation, and placed fruits in her hand, diverting most of her attention.

As for Xia Qi and Lu Yan, they both rolled up their sleeves and sat on either side of Mu Bai. They each opened a bottle of red wine, intending to start a drinking contest.

Mu Bai maintained a calm expression while engaging in the drinking contest with the two of them. At the same time, she kept an eye on Qingyin's reactions. Seeing the smile on her face growing deeper, Mu Bai's mood improved as well.

"If you think drinking glass by glass is too slow, bottle by bottle is also fine," Mu Bai confidently suggested, her slightly scornful gaze directed at Xia Qi and Lu Yan in turn.

"Let's do it, bottle by bottle! Who dares?" Xia Qi's face was already flushed. Being impulsive by nature, with alcohol added to the mix, she became even more unrestrained. She readily accepted the challenge and ordered three more bottles of red wine to be brought over.

Lu Yan was the more rational one among the three, but Xia Qi had already spoken up, so she had to go along. The three of them abandoned their wine glasses and started drinking straight from the bottles.

It was hard to determine who had the higher alcohol tolerance among them. By the time Qingyin snapped back to reality, they were all neatly sprawled across the table, deep in slumber.

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