Chapter 46: World Two

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In the originally planned schedule, Mu Bai was supposed to introduce herself, then interact with the fans for a while before starting the signing session. However, due to the increased number of attendees, the interaction part was significantly reduced. Mu Bai briefly introduced herself and then began engaging with the fans.

She promptly told the fans that there were only 400 slots available in the morning, and if they didn't get a number, queuing wouldn't help. In the afternoon, there were no assigned numbers, but the event would end at 9 PM. She hoped the fans understood and made appropriate time arrangements.

After repeating this three times, Mu Bai put down the microphone, sat in her chair, and officially started signing.

Realizing that there were many people in attendance, the fans at the front were very considerate. They handed their books to Mu Bai and immediately started taking selfies. After Mu Bai signed their books, they shyly said, "Mu Bai, I really like you," and quickly moved aside to make room for others.

Mu Bai was initially surprised but couldn't help smiling. Just for fans like this, she was willing to work diligently until 9 PM without slacking off.

Seeing that the fans in the front were so cooperative, the personal fans of the micro-influencer who were mixed in the queue felt embarrassed to cause any disturbance. Since they realized they still had a while before reaching the front, they decided to pass the time by reading the book.

Mu Bai's book had been officially recommended, had sales comparable to bestsellers, and was of high quality. Moreover, the majority of those willing to come and wait in line for their beloved celebrity were relatively young, and many were college students. When they saw the manga centered around the college campus, they easily felt a connection and quickly fell in love with the content.

So, these fans were immersed in the world of the manga as they moved forward in the queue, reading and enjoying the experience, with no time or inclination to cause any trouble. The atmosphere on-site was even better than anyone had expected.

Sheng Qingyin, still wearing sunglasses and a hat, observed the situation near Mu Bai but at a distance. Once she saw that everything was orderly and running smoothly, she started focusing on her company's promotional activities.

Although there wasn't much time to prepare for this promotional event, the employees were highly motivated, driven by the prospect of a bonus. They had not only prepared the meals in advance but also put extra effort into the packaging, creating a batch of beautifully designed packaging boxes that were so appealing to women that they could be kept as collectibles.

The on-site effect didn't disappoint the employees' hard work and dedication. Most of the book fans, after eating, began taking photos and sharing them on social media. Almost half of them, upon seeing the interesting QR code on the packaging, took out their phones to scan and directly placed orders on the official store.

This harmonious scene, however, was particularly irksome to someone, yet he didn't make a scene immediately. He decided to wait until the afternoon when things would be even livelier to reveal Mu Bai's hypocritical facade, exposing her true nature to these book fans. This so-called "wife" was nothing more than a character who lacked respect, someone who would do anything for money!

With the fans' cooperation, the morning signing session for the four hundred slots concluded around 11 AM. Mu Bai, after shaking off some arm stiffness, devoted an extra ten minutes to taking photos with fans.

After the photos, she departed via the internal passage under the escort of security personnel. To avoid being mobbed by fans, Mu Bai changed into a different jacket and wore a hat and a mask, reducing the likelihood of being recognized.

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