Chapter 37: World Two

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For some reason, Sheng Qingyin started to care more about Mu Bai's life. After signing the contract with Radiant Entertainment and the program production company, she intentionally reduced her workload to make time for morning exercises.

It turned out that Sheng Qingyin's body was somewhat weak due to prolonged late-night work during recordings. After running just one kilometer with Mu Bai, she began to pant heavily, and sweat covered her forehead.

"Let's walk slowly for a while," Mu Bai suggested, slowing her pace. Her complexion was rosy, and her breathing quickly returned to normal.

"Okay," Sheng Qingyin agreed and opened the water bottle hanging from her waist, taking small sips of water.

Seeing Sheng Qingyin's sweat trickling down her forehead, Mu Bai hesitated for a moment but eventually took out a spare small towel and reached over to help wipe away the sweat.

Sheng Qingyin initially blinked in surprise but closed her eyes and said, "Thank you."

"Sister Sheng, have you not exercised in a long time?" Mu Bai asked as she continued to gently and meticulously wipe the sweat from Sheng Qingyin's forehead to her neck.

"It hasn't been that long, just a little over two months," Sheng Qingyin replied, taking the towel from Mu Bai's hand and casually wiping her arm before tucking it into her pocket.

Sheng Qingyin said, "I think I'm ready; let's continue."

Mu Bai nodded and reduced the exercise intensity a little, "Let's run another kilometer and then walk back slowly."

"Sounds good," Sheng Qingyin exhaled slowly and quickly followed Mu Bai's pace.

Their first morning jog went rather well. They completed two-thirds of the originally planned workout of 3 kilometers in 30 minutes, and they returned home promptly at 7:30.

Sheng Qingyin showered more quickly than Mu Bai, allowing her to prepare breakfast.

When Mu Bai returned home after her shower, Sheng Qingyin knocked on her door, saying, "I made a simple omelet with milk and toast. Would you like to have a meal together?"

"Sure, I'll be right there!" Mu Bai replied happily, and she finally had the opportunity to enter Sheng Qingyin's room!

Sheng Qingyin's apartment was purchased a few months before her return to China. She had it renovated by a friend to achieve a minimalist and bright design, primarily using black and white color contrasts.

Mu Bai took a quick look around, then pulled out a chair and sat down. She immediately dug into the omelet, taking big bites.

"Delicious!" Mu Bai's eyes lit up as she exclaimed, "Sister Sheng, even your omelet is so tasty. Your cooking skills must be amazing!"

After finishing the omelet in one go, Mu Bai slowly started eating her toast and drinking her milk.

Sheng Qingyin didn't respond, just smiled and hastened her own pace of eating. It seemed that Mu Bai really enjoyed omelets, so maybe she should make two for her tomorrow.

One morning run made Sheng Qingyin realize her physical limitations. To improve her health, for the following week, she dedicated time daily to jogging alongside Mu Bai. Determined to keep up with Mu Bai's pace, she made remarkable progress.

On the seventh day of their training, she successfully completed a continuous three-kilometer run. Combined with her time manipulation abilities, she managed to complete it within half an hour.

Their daily morning run became a regular routine. While Sheng Qingyin always mentioned that she might not have time to manipulate time, in practice, Mu Bai never experienced a single morning without Sheng Qingyin's presence.

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