Chapter 28: World One

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Encouraged by Mu Bai, Sheng Qingyin gradually began to relax. She didn't keep her nerves constantly on edge but gradually regained her state of being at home, growing more confident and at ease.

The only discomfort was the poor soundproofing in the room here, and the bathroom was a bit smaller. When it came to certain matters, she felt more restrained.

However, this wasn't entirely without its advantages. The slightly narrow environment heightened Sheng Qingyin's senses, making it easy for her to enter a state of pleasure.


On the fourth day of her stay here, someone unexpected arrived with a gift, surprising Mu Bai.

"Ms. Li, why have you come?" Mu Bai immediately stood up to greet her high school class teacher as she recalled her from her memories.

"I heard your mom got discharged, so I came to check in," Teacher Li, who appeared quite young at only thirty, and who was Mu Bai's first class teacher.

Upon seeing Sheng Qingyin seated on the couch, Teacher Li was momentarily stunned by her beauty and unique presence. "Who is... your university classmate?"

"No, she's my girlfriend, Sheng Qingyin," Mu Bai replied truthfully, stepping forward to shake Sheng Qingyin's hand and making introductions. "Qingyin, this is my high school class teacher, Teacher Li."

"Hello, Teacher Li," Sheng Qingyin greeted, rising to her feet.

"Hello, hello, you're Mu Bai's friend, right?" Teacher Li said before pausing and realizing something was amiss. "Wait, not a friend, but a girlfriend?"

"Yes, to be precise, we're engaged," Mu Bai's lips curled up. "Teacher Li, please have a seat. My mom is taking a nap, but she'll wake up soon."

"No problem, I won't disturb your mom's rest," Teacher Li processed this surprising news and suddenly remembered something. "By the way, the day after tomorrow, Tan Zhu and the others are hosting a class reunion. Did you receive the invitation?"

Mu Bai frowned and took a while to recall that Tan Zhu was one of her high school classmates, the kind that wasn't very likable. "I left my contact as a landline at that time, but I've changed my number. They probably can't reach me now."

"Why don't you add me, and I'll invite you to our class group," Teacher Li took out her phone, opened WeChat, and continued, "This is our first class reunion after graduation. If you have the time, it might be good to attend, catch up with old friends. After all, we were classmates, and maintaining these connections might come in handy in the future."

"I remember it's possible to bring family members, and if you don't mind, perhaps you can bring your... fiancée along," As a high school teacher with over seven years of experience, Teacher Li was quite open-minded.

High school students these days were mature, and there were plenty of early relationships, including same-sex relationships. She had a pair in the class she taught last semester, and their grades had significantly improved thanks to their love, so she turned a blind eye to it.

"Sure, we'll consider attending when we have time," Mu Bai politely agreed, added Teacher Li on WeChat, and then put her phone away.

To be honest, she wasn't very interested in the so-called class reunion since those were the original host's classmates. Furthermore, there hadn't been much contact between classmates after high school graduation, so attending or not attending wouldn't make much of a difference to her.

Teacher Li didn't linger and after a brief chat, she took her leave.

"Where is the class reunion on the day after tomorrow, and do you want me to accompany you?" Sheng Qingyin asked. While Mu Bai might not be interested in the class reunion, Sheng Qingyin seemed quite intrigued.

I'm competing with the male lead for the supporting character. [GL] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें