Chapter 74: World Four

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Originally, only Xie Yu was outgoing, but in front of Sheng Qingyin, Mu Bai appeared even more enthusiastic than Xie Yu. Three minutes after the car started, Mu Bai, with great ease, successfully obtained Sheng Qingyin's name by repeatedly calling her a beautiful sister.

"Can I call you Qingyin?" Mu Bai asked, her eyes full of sincerity.

"Sure, a name is meant to be called; there's nothing wrong with it," Sheng Qingyin replied.

"Can I call you like that too?" Xie Yu leaned in and asked, as her chances of speaking had diminished due to Mu Bai being between them.

Sheng Qingyin nodded again; whether one person called or two didn't make much of a difference if they were friends.

Noticing Sheng Qingyin had no objections, Mu Bai frowned slightly. Did Xie Yu also get the privilege of addressing her by name directly? It seemed she wasn't a special presence in Qingyin's heart.

Mu Bai actually wanted to tell Sheng Qingyin about her water-based ability, hoping to gain her favor. However, considering Xie Yu's efforts on her behalf these days, she silently swallowed those words.


Seemingly familiar with the nearby road conditions, Gu Yi drove through a small road and passed many deserted neighborhoods. Without stopping, he covered this last stretch in less than two hours. This speed was many times faster than Mu Bai and Xie Yu's journey.

Once they arrived near the base entrance, Mu Bai and Xie Yu were invited to come down. As new members, they needed to register and undergo inspections before entering.

"Qingyin, where do you live? After I finish checking, I want to come and find you..." Mu Bai said somewhat embarrassedly. She didn't want to be so straightforward, but if she didn't ask now, it might take more than ten days to see Qingyin again.

Sheng Qingyin hesitated for a moment before telling Mu Bai, "I should be living in Area A. You probably won't find me."

Although Sheng Qingyin had not yet entered Base Three, she was quite familiar with the base's situation. Base Three is divided into three areas: A, where important figures, officials, and special ability users reside; B, where important talents, officers, and ordinary ability users live; and C, the living quarters for ordinary soldiers and civilians.

Sheng Qingyin did not explicitly state it, but in her heart, Mu Bai and Xie Yu were most likely to live in Area C. If there were no special circumstances, residents of Area C were not allowed into Areas B and A. If the three wanted to meet again, she would have to go out to find them.

"Why?" Xie Yu didn't understand and couldn't help but touch her head. "Is A Area very big? Or is there no transportation inside?"

"Qingyin, can you leave a detailed address? Maybe we'll have many opportunities to meet again," Mu Bai smiled, seemingly not understanding anything and still anticipating another meeting.

Sheng Qingyin pursed her lips and did not explain. "You'll understand in a while. I live at 35 Third Street, A Area. If you can come and find me, I would be very happy to welcome you to my home."

After saying this, Sheng Qingyin closed the car door. For her, being willing to leave a detailed address was already quite rare, especially considering they had only known each other for two hours; it was almost a miracle.

Waving goodbye to Sheng Qingyin, Mu Bai and Xie Yu obediently lined up in the registration and inspection queue.

Probably due to their peculiar arrival and the long chat with Sheng Qingyin in the car, the people in front of them were quite curious about their backgrounds. It took less than three minutes for someone to turn around and strike up a conversation.

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