Chapter 59: World Three

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Mu Bai's idea was indeed plausible, but it was just a casual train of thought during her leisure moments. She had no intention of executing it.

After all, the martial world leader had mentioned choosing someone from the top ten rankings. For her to be selected, all the other nine contenders would need to meet with unexpected accidents. It was unlikely for her to become the chosen one.

Upon hearing that Qingqing had been seen near Suzhou recently, Mu Bai settled her bill with a piece of silver and picked up the sword from the table. She then got up to leave.

"Miss, you look unfamiliar. You must have just arrived in Cang City, right?" As Mu Bai was about to leave the teahouse, the three tea patrons who were chatting earlier surrounded her, blocking her way out.

Mu Bai replied, "Is there something you need?"

"Nothing much, we just want to collect a little fee for services rendered." Tea patron one said with a smile. "If I'm not mistaken, you were listening to our conversation earlier, weren't you? Since you heard what you wanted, would you mind contributing some silver?"

"Ten taels of silver is a fair price; we're not asking for much," tea patron two added with a grin.

Mu Bai raised an eyebrow and noticed that the other patrons in the teahouse weren't reacting much. She realized these three were experienced troublemakers. They probably chose a teahouse near the city gate to discuss hot topics in a loud manner, intentionally setting a trap for someone like her.

"Very well." Mu Bai didn't want to escalate the situation. She had heard useful information, and ten taels of silver was a small price to pay. She handed it over.

After receiving a silver ingot, the three tea patrons exchanged discreet glances, then stepped aside with their cheerful demeanor, as if the matter was resolved.

However, Mu Bai could clearly feel the three sets of eyes lingering behind her. They seemed as though they were shadows she couldn't shake off.

To make it easier for them to make their move, Mu Bai played the role of a newcomer in the martial world. She appeared curious, visited weapon shops, and soon succumbed to the enthusiastic recommendations of the shopkeepers, buying a bunch of extravagant but impractical concealed weapons at high prices.

When twilight descended, Mu Bai started heading toward less populated areas. She seemed to be lost and unaware, deliberately leading herself into a more secluded environment.

When she reached a dead-end alley while leading her horse, the three pursuers couldn't resist any longer and jumped out. The swords that they had concealed in their hands were drawn.

"Miss, we've thought it over, and we think that ten taels of silver might not be enough. Could you add a little more?" Tea patron one said, holding his sword-tip toward Mu Bai, his eyes showing a murderous intent.

Mu Bai was dressed in precious Shu brocade, and anyone with a bit of insight could deduce her aristocratic background. Her earlier disguise had effectively led them to see her as a naive newcomer to the martial world, which made her look like a fat sheep in their eyes.

"How much more do you want?" Mu Bai frowned, unconsciously taking a step back, tightly gripping her sword.

"Just a bit, all the silver you have on you will do," tea patron two said, moving closer with their swords raised, trying to reassure Mu Bai. "Miss, don't worry, we're just after some money, we won't hurt you."

"Of course, if you don't cooperate, don't blame our blades for not having eyes," tea patron three added. When he noticed that Mu Bai had only retreated a step and didn't display much fear, he felt something was amiss.

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