Chapter 16: World One

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"It's so hot..." Before they could make it back home, the effects of the drug on Sheng Qingyin intensified. She had passed the stage of feeling weak all over and had now entered the feverish stage.

Mu Bai remained silent, merely rolling down the car window halfway to allow the cool outside air to blow in.

It was early November, and with nightfall upon them, the chilly breeze outside helped alleviate Sheng Qingyin's condition slightly.

She moved her hand away from her collar, struggling to lift her groggy head and make an effort to open her eyes.

"Mu Bai? Mu Bai, where are you?" Sheng Qingyin's head felt incredibly heavy and foggy, making it difficult for her to see who was around her or even where she was.

"I'm here, on your left," Mu Bai reassured her in a soft voice. She pressed down on the gas pedal, exceeding the speed limit, and rushed back to her own home as quickly as possible.

"I feel so dizzy..." Hearing Mu Bai's voice, Sheng Qingyin felt somewhat relieved. She began muttering softly, "I'm uncomfortable, so hot, I want to take a shower, my head is spinning, and I just want to sleep..."

Sheng Qingyin's thoughts were extremely disoriented now, alternating between feeling hot and then suddenly cold.

Mu Bai was somewhat worried about Sheng Qingyin getting chilled from the breeze, but letting her remain without the wind would lead to her starting to undress herself, which put Mu Bai in a difficult situation.

Fortunately, the venue for the evening's event wasn't far from Mu Bai's residence. After about fifteen minutes of driving, Mu Bai arrived at her building, carrying Sheng Qingyin and taking the elevator.

Once inside the elevator, Sheng Qingyin's body temperature began to rise again. She wrapped her arms around Mu Bai's neck and nuzzled against her. She kept calling Mu Bai's name, her voice becoming soft and seductive, causing Mu Bai's heart to tremble.

"Mu Bai, Mu Bai, Mu Bai..." Sheng Qingyin's voice turned sultry, calling out Mu Bai's name with a hint of seduction.

"I'm right here, I won't go anywhere," Mu Bai reassured Sheng Qingyin repeatedly.

After an agonizing minute, when the elevator doors reopened, Mu Bai's breathing had noticeably quickened. She quickly locked the door upon their return to her apartment and led Sheng Qingyin to the bathroom. Mu Bai intended to reduce the effects of the drug by using physical cooling, using lukewarm water slightly below body temperature to help dissipate its effects.

Why didn't she choose the best relief method? It was because they hadn't yet confirmed their relationship. Although Mu Bai desired it, she respected Sheng Qingyin's personal preferences, and more than momentary indulgence, she yearned for a lifetime of companionship.

"Mu Bai, I feel so uncomfortable..." Even though Sheng Qingyin was immersed in the bathtub up to her neck, she couldn't keep still. She clung to Mu Bai's hand and demanded more, wrapping her arms around her and pleading to be held.

Mu Bai took a deep breath, trying to steady her own emotions. "Be patient. Just lie here for a while, and you'll feel better soon."

"No, it's so cold. I want to be in your arms..." Sheng Qingyin wrinkled her nose, her eyes half-open and misty, with her flushed cheeks making her look pitiable.

"Mu Bai, hold me. I don't want to stay here," Sheng Qingyin's voice grew softer, filled with a hint of coyness as she extended her hand again, wanting Mu Bai to embrace her.

Mu Bai bent down and allowed Sheng Qingyin to wrap her arms around her neck. Her voice was slightly hoarse as she asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"Uncomfortable, I want to sleep in bed." Sheng Qingyin's words were a bit clearer, but her arm still lacked strength.

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