Chapter 73: World Four

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With an ample supply of resources, Mu Bai and Xie Yu settled into a routine at home. Due to the villa's location, there were hardly any zombies around; their primary concern became other human survivors.

Before the government came to a complete halt, most survivors stayed at home, trusting the government's broadcasts and awaiting rescue by the military. They refrained from venturing outside randomly.

Xie Yu was no exception; her trust in national institutions was relatively high. Without the worries of food and water, she peacefully stayed inside the villa, awaiting rescue.

During this period, Mu Bai refrained from dampening the spirits. Instead, she focused on practicing her abilities, striving to enlarge her spatial door to accommodate more supplies in the future.

Observing Mu Bai's dedication, Xie Yu couldn't keep idling. She mustered the courage to start working out in the gym.

On the tenth day after heavy rain, countries jointly issued an announcement, officially declaring the arrival of the apocalypse. Nations set aside their grievances, joining forces to face this difficult situation.

Subsequently, governments devolved power to local authorities, using all available means to inform surviving citizens that the military forces had limited capabilities and couldn't immediately rescue everyone. They revealed the current base locations, emphasizing that proximity to the base increased the chances of salvation, hoping capable individuals would make their way there independently.

Although the official statements were diplomatic, the reality was harsh. The number of troops involved in external rescues had significantly decreased. Most personnel contributed to the construction inside the bases. Even for external rescues, they targeted individuals with specific skills, rather than ordinary people with limited utility.

This reality was cruel to ordinary people. Nevertheless, regardless of the perspective, prioritizing the rescue of skilled individuals was the right approach. After all, the post-apocalyptic reconstruction relied on them.

"Mu Bai, it seems like we won't be able to wait for rescue," Xie Yu said, her expression somewhat dazed. "The authorities have already issued a statement."

Mu Bai nodded solemnly. "Our supplies can probably last another month. Should we drive to the nearby base?"

Seeing Mu Bai working diligently, Xie Yu felt compelled to contribute. She started looking for nearby survivor bases on the map, following the information from the official announcement.

Xie Yu said, "The nearest one is Base Three. Under normal circumstances, we could reach it in six hours by car. But now, considering many people have probably already set out, the roads might be very congested."

"So, should we stay indoors for now?" Mu Bai asked.

Xie Yu nodded, "Let's wait for two more days. During this time, we can drive around the vicinity, see if we can find more supplies."

Mu Bai agreed with Xie Yu's strategy. Going out now would only get them stuck on the roads. Without adequate preparation, leaving the villa and driving out wasn't a wise decision.

Three days later, the internet, which had been sporadic, vanished completely. Only satellite phones and radios remained somewhat functional.

On the fourth day of the apocalypse, Xie Yu decided it was time to venture out. She retrieved two knives, originally kept for collection, and spent an hour sharpening them by hand.

"Let's go. We'll check the supermarket in the neighborhood first," Xie Yu said, handing the slightly shorter knife to Mu Bai. "Remember, if there are zombies, just attack without mercy. They're no longer human!"

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