Chapter 48: World Two

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Sheng Qingyin didn't expect Mu Bai to suddenly pull off this act. Touched by her actions, she immediately instructed her staff to drop what they were doing and go maintain order at the scene.

Surprisingly, despite the shock that fans must have felt, the scene didn't descend into chaos. In less than three minutes, it was as orderly as it had been in the morning.

The fans waiting in line were very cooperative. They held their books with their arms, freeing their hands to frantically type on their phones. Many fans raised their phones high, attempting to capture a photo of Mu Bai and Sheng Qingyin together.

Qiao Ting still stood at the front of the line. Regardless of Mu Bai or the fans who were busy eating snacks or gossipping, no one urged him to hurry.

"Bai Shu, I'm sorry!" Qiao Ting was so ashamed that he wished he could disappear. He wiped away the tears from his face with his sleeve, almost falling to his knees to apologize.

"Even though this was a misunderstanding, I hope that in the future, you'll verify things before making decisions and not let your love for the characters be taken advantage of," Mu Bai said.

"Okay, I'll definitely believe in you from now on, Bai Shu! I won't waver in this thought, ever!" Qiao Ting said, shedding more tears, "Bai Shu, can you forgive me, though?"

"It's just a minor misunderstanding, and I forgive you," Mu Bai smiled and said. She opened the manga she hadn't returned yet and added a few more words to the front page.

"Keep your love for life. I'm very grateful that you like the characters I've created. But you should also allocate some of that love and time to the people around you. That way, you might find more warmth."

Mu Bai said, her face bearing a light smile, consoling Qiao Ting softly.

In public, Mu Bai needed to ensure her image remained positive. Besides, she wasn't interested in confronting a book fan who lived in their own world. If she were to take action, she would target the real troublemaker behind the scenes, Han Huanwen.

Upon hearing Mu Bai's words, Qiao Ting shed even more tears. Bai Shu Dada was truly considerate and kind. He realized he was a complete idiot; how could Bai Shu Dada, the creator of the characters he loved, ever make alterations to her work for money?

After Mu Bai handed him the book, Qiao Ting bent 90 degrees, bowed deeply, and shouted loudly, "Bai Shu Dada! I will forever love you, you'll always be my idol!"

After shouting, he tightly hugged the book, then left without looking back.

Mu Bai shook her head with a smile and then shifted her gaze to the next person, who happened to be his trembling assistant.

Because Mu Bai had never sent food to Han Huanwen, and had never even been to XuanGuang Entertainment, there was no change in her expression when she saw the assistant. She appeared as though she didn't know anything at all.

"Hello, may I ask where should I sign?" Mu Bai spoke up when she noticed his assistant trembling and lost in thought.

"Ah, you can sign on the first page." The assistant handed over the two books, shaking uncontrollably. His heart raced as if Sheng Qingyin was about to drag him away the next moment and begin to settle things with him.

Mu Bai lowered her head, quickly signed the first page of both books, then handed them back to her assistant. "All set, next one, please."

The assistant dazedly accepted the books, but as he was pushed to the side by fans behind him, he cautiously glanced at Sheng Qingyin. Afterward, he locked eyes with her frosty gaze.

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