Chapter 87: World Four

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After learning about the information regarding the Bright Base from the leader, Mu Bai and the other four discussed again. They decided these people could be released, but not immediately.

To prevent them from spreading the news, Mu Bai siphoned all the fuel from the five large trucks. If they wanted to go back, they would have to walk nearly fifty kilometers, not to mention the zombies they might encounter on the way.

Originally, Xie Yu suggested temporarily keeping them in the warehouse and providing some food. However, this seemed to instill fear in them, so the plan was temporarily put on hold.

"If you're smart, stay here quietly and wait for us for a while," Xie Yu kindly advised them after seeing the panic on their faces. "At most seven days, even if we don't come back, the people from Base Three will return."

Mu Bai didn't interrupt Xie Yu but added after her, "I heard you all still have family in the Bright Base? We plan to drive there. If you really can't leave your family behind, I don't mind giving you a ride."

The nine individuals, still concerned about their families, looked at each other. They wanted to go back with Mu Bai, but rationality told them that even if they did, it might be futile and could expose them to potential threats from the ability users.

So, the nine remained silent for three minutes, not a single one expressing the desire to go back.

Mu Bai shook her head gently, holding Sheng Qingyin's hand, and took the lead forward. "Let's go. While the Bright Base is still unaware, let's infiltrate as soon as possible."

Though these people truly had concerns, their own lives were paramount. None of them were willing to risk their lives for the safety of their families.

Since that was the case, Mu Bai didn't need to maintain a certain image and could take advantage of the situation to ensure the safety of their families.

"Mu Bai, if someone chooses to follow us, would you help rescue their families?" Sheng Qingyin asked after settling into the driver's seat.

Mu Bai didn't deny it. "Yes, but it seems they aren't particularly concerned about their families."

"Perhaps they think their families won't be targeted," Sheng Qingyin suggested, trying to find a reason for them.

Mu Bai shook her head gently. "Most likely, they believe going back is a dead end, so they pin their hopes on a highly unlikely scenario. They deceive themselves into thinking that even if they don't return, those people won't target their families."

"Qingyin, does it make me seem a bit heartless to let them face the consequences?" Mu Bai asked in advance.

Sheng Qingyin hesitated for a moment, then shook her head. "No, they don't care about their families' well-being, and as outsiders, we don't need to care for them either."

Upon hearing 045's reminder about a deviation in her character value, Mu Bai continued, "But from a certain perspective, they are facing all of this because of us."

"But aren't we trying to expose the atrocities of the Bright Base? If there's really a lab inside, our actions will help many people, including them and their families," Sheng Qingyin reasoned.

Sheng Qingyin's logical thinking was clear, showing she wasn't indiscriminately compassionate. Her previous questions to Mu Bai were just to confirm her thoughts.

"Mu Bai, you don't need to feel guilty. It's the apocalypse, and you've already done a great job, helping many people," Sheng Qingyin reassured, thinking Mu Bai might dwell on it.

Upon hearing that the character deviation value had decreased a bit, Mu Bai nodded in agreement, "I understand. In the current world, the only people I need to protect wholeheartedly are the ones I care about."

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