Chapter 92: World Five

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Thinking about Sheng Qingyin still in her room, Mu Bai didn't spend too much time on the meal.

She quickly finished lunch in 20 minutes and, as she left, had the chef prepare a simple meal to go, packing it up to carry in her hands.

Seeing this, Gu Yu moved her lips as if wanting to remind Mu Bai to maintain distance from humans, especially from vampire hunters—there was no need to treat her so well.

But just as the words were about to come out, Gu Yu hesitated.

Mu Bai was no longer a child, having ruled over vampires alone for three hundred years. Moreover, she had signed peace treaties with humans. Such minor matters should not require Gu Yu's reminder.

"Gu Yu, have there been any major incidents within the clan these past few days?" Mu Bai casually asked while walking back to her room.

Gu Yu nodded quickly, "Recently, whether it's humans or within the clan, everyone has been quite peaceful, and nothing significant has occurred."

Mu Bai asked again, "Gu Yu, can you find out how many of our kind are controlled by the Hunter Guild?"

"It's a bit difficult; no matter how we disguise ourselves, we can't infiltrate the Guild headquarters, so we don't know how many of our kind have been targeted," Gu Yu replied, hesitating for a moment. "But I did find information on several sponsors behind the Guild."

"Are there official figures involved?" Mu Bai asked. "We shouldn't have any traitors within our ranks, right?"

"No traitors; the newly born vampires are mostly weak in strength. Since engaging with humans, we've only gained thirty-five counts, eleven marquises; the count of dukes hasn't changed," Gu Yu said, pausing. "On the human side, there are no traces of official involvement, but those participating have various connections with the authorities."

Vampire strength is closely related to bloodline levels. The count of dukes remaining unchanged over the past century indicates that the overall strength of the vampire race hasn't seen significant improvement.

Without the method of turning humans into vampires, the gap between vampires and humans would only widen over time.


After parting ways with Gu Yu, Mu Bai opened the door to her room, carrying the packed food.

With her inherent keen observational skills, she noticed a person near the desk trembling slightly as she opened the door, seemingly scared.

"Is your letter ready?" Mu Bai placed the food on the table near the door, not immediately allowing Sheng Qingyin to start eating.

Sheng Qingyin slowly exhaled, "It's ready. How... how are you going to deliver it to the Guild?"

"Naturally, I'll send a powerful vampire to kill their way through and finally place it on your grandfather's desk," Mu Bai said, a malicious smile playing on her lips. "What do you think of this method?"

"...I don't think it's good," Sheng Qingyin replied after a considerable pause.

Mu Bai raised an eyebrow, "Then you can... tell me something related to you, and I can arrange for a human to deliver the letter in exchange."

"Something related to me?" Sheng Qingyin looked puzzled. "Do you mean, you want me to tell you information about myself?"

Mu Bai nodded, "Your answer will determine who will be the one delivering the letter in the end."

Sheng Qingyin pursed her lips, somewhat puzzled about what the vampire in front of her was planning. However, she had heard stories about vampires not immediately killing humans once captured, preferring to play with them until they fell into despair before consuming their blood.

I'm competing with the male lead for the supporting character. [GL] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ