Wrong number (Joni)

805 41 9

Toni (25)
Janet (24)

Toni's POV

I walked into my house after a long day of work. I am an OBGYN at a hospital about two hours away from my house. I delivered about five babies today and I could've sworn that one of the babies talked to me. I closed my door and took off my heels. I'm so tired. I unbuttoned my shirt a bit and sat down on my couch. I turned on the tv and watched Deception. The sound of my phone ringing caused me to roll my eyes. I grabbed it and saw an unknown number called me from jail.

I know this is Tamar. I keep on telling her to stop fighting. I answered the phone and put it to my ear.

"You have a collect call from inmate 51867. Press 1 to accept all charges."

How long has she been in there for her to be an inmate? I pressed 1 and waited to hear my sister's voice.

"Maureen, there was a fight today over some nasty ass food." I heard a voice say that is definitely not my sister's. It's soft and my name isn't Maureen.

"Uhhh I think you have the wrong number..."

"What? Is this..." She started saying a number and I shook my head.

"Half is right, my last four digits are 6526 not 6527."

"Oh I am so sorry but I don't wanna waste my call so can we like... talk or something?" She asked and I laughed.

"Sure. My name is Toni, what's yours?"


"Why are you in jail for? You sound really nice." I heard her giggle and I smiled.

"I killed somebody." My mouth dropped.


"Yup but we won't discuss that, that's the past. Do you live here in LA?"

"Yeah, I live in Beverly Hills but I was born and raised in Maryland. What about you?"

"Well, I'm in the Women's Central Jail but before that, I lived in Indiana."

"So you came to LA to go to jail?" I asked and she laughed.

"No, I was here for like three years for my occupation then I committed the crime now I'm in jail."

"Ohh, how long are you in there for?"

"Two years but I have a couple of months left."

"Mm, and is Maureen your girlfriend or something?"

"Bold of you to assume my sexuality."

"Oh no not like that, like friend... like the show." I laughed and palmed my face.

Janet laughed, "No, Maureen is my sister but we call her Rebbie. I call her Maureen to get on her nerves."

"My sister does the same to me."

"You have a sibling?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I'm the oldest of six. One boy and five girls."

"Wowww, I'm the last of nine. Six boys and three girls."

"What? Your mom said what is a six-week wait." I joked and she laughed.

"How old are you Janet?"

"How old do you think I am?" She retorted and I smiled.

"Umm since you're the youngest I say you're about nineteen, twenty."

"Wowww, I'm twenty-four. What about you?"

"Really?! I'm twenty-five."

"When is your birthday?"

"You sure do ask a lot of questions Toni." Janet said and I was taken back a bit. Maybe I am asking too many questions.

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