Childhood sweethearts (Joni)

932 36 5

Toni (22)
Janet (23)

Nobody's POV

Janet pulled up into her parents driveway and parked her car. She was back in town because an older lady by the name of Dorris had passed. Dorris was like the grandmother of the town and has been battling cancer, off and on, for about fifteen years. She died about a week ago from old age... she always used to say that the cancer wouldn't catch up to her.

"I guess she was right." Janet said and slightly chuckled. She looked in the backseat and saw her three year old daughter, Michele asleep. Janet got out of the car and headed to the back seat to get her sleeping daughter.

"Chele, we're at grandma and grandpas house?" Janet unstrapped her daughter and picked her up. Michele wrapped her arms around her mother and hid her face into her neck. It was a long drive coming from Brooklyn and to Baltimore so Michele was beyond tired. Janet closed the car door and walked to her parents door, knocking on it.

"I think that's Jan." She heard her sister, LaToya, say and she smiled. Janet has to admit that she misses her siblings and parents. She hasn't seen them since she left to live in Brooklyn. The door soon opened revealing LaToya.

"Hiiii sister." She whispered seeing that her niece is sleeping.

"Hiii, hi mama and Joseph." After greeting her parents and siblings she headed upstairs to put her daughter in her old room. She laid Michele onto her bed and then quietly left her room. Heading back downstairs she saw her family engaging in conversation. Janet snuck away and headed into the backyard. She saw the tree that had been in the back for sometime now.

T+J= 4L

Was carved into the tree and she smiled at the memory.

"Noo I should go first because I'm better than you." Janet whined to her girlfriend, Toni.

"No I'm going first because I'm cooler then you." Toni said and Janet frowned. She began to walk away and Toni laughed, pulling her back.

"Fine big baby, you can carve your name first." Janet smiled as Toni handed her the knife. Once they were done, Janet carved a heart around their writing and smiled.


"Now we have to stay together forever. We can't break up ever!" Janet said and Toni rose her brow.

"Who said that?"

"Me! We're going to get married, have kids together, grow old, become grandparents and all sorts of thing."

Too bad most of those things didn't happen...

"Janet is that you?" She heard a familiar voice from behind her. She turned around and was met face to face with Toni's brother, Michael.

"Hi Mike! Oh my gosh it's so good to see you." Janet said and hugged him. Her hugged her back and smiled.

"My gosh, it's been song long."

"I know."

"I haven't seen you in almost four years."

"Really? I didn't know it has been that long." Janet lied. She knew it has been that long because her daughter would be turning four this year.

"Yeah it has. What made you leave so abruptly?" Just as she was about to answer, her daughter ran outside to her.

"Mommy mommy!" She said and hugged her mothers legs. Janet picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Hi baby. Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes. Who's that?" She asked and when Michael saw her he was in shock. Janet's daughter looks just like his sister and he was starting to put the pieces together as to why Janet had left.

"Is she—" Michael began to ask but Janet cut him off my nodding.

"Yes she is but Toni doesn't know."

"Oh, well Toni is in the living room talking to your mom." Janet nodded. She knew that Toni would be here for the funeral tomorrow. She sighed and the three of them headed inside of the house. When she walked inside, she could smell Toni's all to familiar scent. Lavender and strawberry. She sighed and walked into the living room. As much as she tried to ignore Toni she couldn't. Their eyes locked and Toni licked her lips.

Toni's POV

Damn! Janet is still fine but I think she has a man because she had a baby on her hips. Well where her man at because I'm about to take his place. I looked at Michael and he looked at me.

That child is yours...

He told me with his eyes and I frowned.

The child?

Yes the child, she's yours.

Janet told you that?

Yes and just look at her. She looks just like you.

I looked at the little girl and she does look like me. Her eyes, her curly hair, her cheeks are all me. The only thing she seems to have of Janet is her lips and nose, everything else is me. She looked at me and I waved at her. She smiled and her smile is just like Janet's, radiant. Janet looked at me again and I think she might have blushed.

I still got it...

Everyone was engaged in their own conversation so I decided to speak to Janet.

"Hey Janet, do you think we can go somewhere and talk? It will only take a few minutes."

"Uhh yeah sure. Chele go and stay with auntie Toya ."

She whined, "No mommy, I wanna go wif youuu."

"No baby you can't. If you're good for auntie toya, I'll tell her to give you a cookie."

"Okay bye." She didn't second guess and ran to Janet's sister. I laughed and we headed outside. I saw the tree that we had carved into and smiled.


"Hi..." okay, awkward.

"Toni please make this quick, what did you want to talk about? Is it Michele? Yes she's yours and she's named after you. You weren't there for me when I found out, when I needed you, when she needed you. You didn't even care to call so why do you want to talk to me now."


"I tried calling you Toni but then some woman answered the phone and I was hurt."

"Wait, I never had no woman answer the phone for me." I said and she rose her brow.

"Wow so out of everything I said that's all you got?"

"No I got everything I'm just confused on that part. The night we got into that big argument I went to the bar and I lost my phone, I had to get a new number. So the number you called was most likely my old one. I didn't call you from my new number but you didn't answer, I figured that you didn't notice the number and would call back but you never did. From that day forward I knew that we were over. I was hurt too and when I found out that you moved I figured that you had moved on but I never did. Janet, I still love you and I always will love you no matter what. I'm sorry if I said some hurtful things to you that night that we got into the argument but I want you to know that I didn't mean it—" Janet cut me off my giving me a hug. I was taken back a bit but hugged her.

"I'm sorry, really sorry Janet. Can I meet her?" Janet pulled away and nodded her head. She then headed into the house and a few seconds later she can back with Michele, our daughter.

"Hi Chele."


"That is your momma, Toni."

"Oh hi. Mommy told me about you."

"She did, what did she say?"

"She said that we have the same name and that she love—"

"Okay, that's enough." Janet said and covered her mouth. I laughed as Janet blushed in embarrassment.

Maybe we can work this out.



Excuse any errors 🤓

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