Sleepover (Holy Trinity)

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Beyoncé (18)
Rihanna (18)
Onika (18)

Nobody's POV
Feb 17

"Ohh, we should have a sleepover at my house since break starts today." Robyn said as the three of them sat at the lunch table. They were in school today after Onika begged Beyoncé and Robyn to show up. She didn't want to be the only person out of her friend group at school.

"My parents are going away for the weekend and they are fine with me inviting y'all over. I spoke to them about it before I asked y'all." Beyoncé chuckled.

"My mom will already say yes." Beyoncé said.

"Lucky I just have to ask my mom. She'll say yes just because I'm going to be with you guys."

"Just come in y'all pajamas."

Beyoncé's POV

I just arrived at Robyn's house and when I got inside Nicki was already sitting on the couch. I shook my head and hugged them.

"I thought I was going to get here before Nika." I said as I sat between them.

"You thought wrong." She said and I giggled.

"Anyways, what games are we playing?"

"Drinking games!" Robyn cheered as she grabbed the drinks from under the couch. What the fuck?

"Oh no, I'm not drinking." I said and shook my head. I am not partaking in their activities.

"Yes, you are."

"Let's play the alphabet game. All categories to make it easier for Beyoncé. I'll start." Onika said and we started clapping our hands and slapping our thighs.



"Car." I said and smiled. I might win this game.






"I— umm... iguana!" I said after a while.

"Nope, you took too long to answer."

"Take a shot."

I shook my head, "No I said it."

"You took too long Bey." Nicki said and poured me a shot of Pink Whitney.

"Shot shot shot shot!" The two of them cheered and I shook my head. I placed the glass by my mouth and took the shot. Once I swallowed it I immediately felt the burning sensation in my throat and stomach.

"How do y'all do this?"

"It's not even that bad. I'll do I... Iguana." Nicki said and I shook my head.

"I don't know the rules of the game but I'm pretty sure you can't say what I just said." I said and Robyn nodded her head.

"Take a shot Oni..." We continued playing the game, me losing almost every round.


"Stop! We're not even on S Robyn. We're on U." This is like the fifth time we started over because we kept messing up.

"Oh, u-turn."

"Nope take a shot."


"Nigga take the shot!" Nicki shouted at Robyn and I chuckled. I poured Robyn the shot and she chugged it down.

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