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"Beep!! Beep!!Beep!!"

The alarm clock began to ring, and so did the most nerve-racking day of my life. I laid sprawled on my bed and stared idly at the ceiling for about five minutes. My thoughts are still profoundly absorbed by the things that happened last school semester.

Last school semester was promising to be my best semester yet. I have gained a whole lot of friends, my self-esteem improved by fifty percent, and I eventually reached the coveted popular status. I had just come to accept that my life would be just as colorful as the rainbow right after I bravely came out of the closet when things unexpectedly turned the grey route. The first of these came crashing with such speed that it caught me off guard. I was on my way home from school wearing the best smile ever after having the best day of my life when my dad called to inform me that my mom was in the hospital. It was a piece of horrifying news. And I'm not going to lie, but I tried to think that she would be okay. After all, I just told my crush that I like him and he kind of told me that he likes me too. I was probably the happiest person that day, and so I stayed positive. But just like I said, everything turns grey. The very same week, I learned that things weren't going very well for most of us. My dad's about to lose his job, and my mom finally told me the truth after hiding it for a very long time. She has cancer.

I was gutted, and somehow, I felt betrayed by my own family. My mom had never told me about her medical situation; she's always been living her life consciously. That's probably the reason why I haven't noticed anything wrong about her, but then I realized it's also the reason why I should've wondered and asked. My mom was in the hospital for two weeks, and I have been visiting her every single day, unconsciously trying to make the most of it, until the day that the doctor revealed the most horrifying news I've ever heard in my entire life. My mother's gone. This news came to me as a terrible shock, and like anything that changes you forever, it carved a hole in my heart.

The following months were hard for my dad and me. He just lost his job, my crush just had a girlfriend, and we're both struggling to breathe from the aftermath of my mom's passing. Two months before the semester ended, my dad had found a new lover, and I'm totally okay with it. I automatically thought my dad would take things slowly, but everything went faster than I would've expected, and now I'm about to have breakfast with my new family.

I propped myself out of bed, and with such unwilling energy, I grabbed my towel and went straight to the shower. I usually don't take long just to have a normal shower; fifteen minutes is my standard. This time though, this very specific day, I deliberately took my time as if I didn't have anywhere else to go.

Every single teenager here in Mary Heights must be excited for this day but count me out. I don't want to go to school today, but today's my first day as a junior at my new school, and I'm not ready for it. I'm not prepared for any of this to happen just yet. In fact, I'm not prepared to have a new family this soon. And I'm not even prepared to be back inside the closet again.

But I don't have a choice.

I was forced to get out of the shower when I heard my dad called for my name. I decided to wear a simple pair of jeans and a dull green hoodie, thinking I might pass as the most normal kid around. I don't want to get too much attention right on my first day as a junior.

I inched my way towards the kitchen, where I was greeted by my dad and my new mom.

"Good morning, darling!" Wednesday, my stepmother chimed, giving me the best morning smile she could possibly muster.

"Good morning," I replied blandly, and I saw my dad give me a side-eye. "Good morning, mom," I let out, rephrasing my sentence even following it up with a kiss on her cheek.

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