Bertie 🌍: nerds

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: for my A-levels I'm doing business, forensics and law

Harold 💫: interesting

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: what do you want to be Lavina?

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: well being a private dick sounds fun however if that goes wrong I'll do some business thing

MrArcady 🧳: you could ask George's dad if he could pull some strings

TheDefinatelyNotGayMukherhjee 🏳️‍🌈: good idea

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: if your ambition is to be a private dick I'm afraid you've failed you're just a dick in general

MrsArcady ❤️: Daisy be nice, Lav don't kill her

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: Daisy since you love yourself so much why don't you why don't you show yourself some love through an act of sexual pleasure.

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: ...

Harold 💫: Did Lavinia just tell Daisy to go fuck herself in the most formal way possible

MrArcady 🧳: I think she did

TheDefinatelyNotGayMukherhjee 🏳️‍🌈: that's my girl

Bertie 🌍: and Hazel didn't say anything

MrsArcady ❤️: good one Lav

AminaEM 💍: lmaoo

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: wait if Hazel won't copyright it, that means we could get very creative...

Little sprout 🌱: this will get rather amusing

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: agreed

Harold 💫: I've just realised I have no idea when everyone's birthdays are

TheDefinatelyNotGayMukherhjee 🏳️‍🌈: you don't know my birthday 😨😨😨

Bertie 🌍: should I be offended 😭😭😭

Harold 💫: you twats of course I know your birthdays however I have no idea when everyone else's is

TheDefinatelyNotGayMukherhjee 🏳️‍🌈: I'll start, mine is November 6th

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: mine is October 29th

MrsArcady ❤️: mine is July 31st

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: April 13th

MrArcady 🧳: February 25th

Little sprout 🌱: June 3rd

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: December 17th

AminaEM 💍: August 3rd

Bertie 🌍: May 12th

Harold 💫: interesting

MrsArcady ❤️: when's your birthday Harold

Harold 💫: March 9th

Little sprout 🌱: cool!

*Author's note: other than Hazel and Daisy these are made up birthdays*

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: what is everyone doing in the half term, we should meet up and get drunk

TheDefinatelyNotGayMukherhjee 🏳️‍🌈: sounds fun

MrArcady 🧳: agreed

MrsArcady ❤️: yes it sounds great

Little sprout 🌱: good idea

Bertie 🌍: does that include Harry and me?

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: I suppose

Harold 💫: yay

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: Bertie, Harold, do you not have your own friends at Cambridge?

Bertie 🌍: yeah we do

AminaEM 💍: that's shocking

MrArcady 🧳: wow I never knew

TheDefinatelyNotGayMukherhjee 🏳️‍🌈: 😱😱😱

Harold 💫: rude

Little sprout 🌱: well you do seem to spend more time with your siblings friends than your other friends

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: true

Bertie 🌍: well they are all nerds

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: and Hazel isn't

MrsArcady ❤️: true

MrArcady 🧳: lmao

Bertie 🌍: that's just one nerd

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: Hazel counts as multiple people, she's that nerdy

MrsArcady ❤️: I'll take that as a compliment

Little sprout 🌱: and wherever Hazel goes, Daisy, Alexander and George follow and they are all nerds

AminaEM 💍: I think the others intelligence demotes them from the title of nerd to the title dork

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: I'm offended

Harold 💫: lmao 🤣

MrArcady 🧳: I'm not actually offended because there is no way I'm as smart as Haz

TheDefinatelyNotGayMukherhjee 🏳️‍🌈: yh Hazel is a genius

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: or a freak of nature

MrsArcady ❤️: lmaooo

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: accurate

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