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Chatting on 'How Hazel met her child's father'.

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: Its only a few hours until the dance

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: ik I'm so excited, I might finally get a boyfriend.

Hazel 💞: are you going to dance with Amina, Daisy?

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: probably not, she's to perfect for me

Hazel 💞: 🙄🙄🙄

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: I wanna die

Little sprout 🌱: I think it will be fun

Hazel 💞: brb I have to message someone


Hazel 💞 and AminaEM💍 are chatting privately.

Hazel 💞: Hey Amina it's Hazel, I just wanted to let you know that Daisy is really into you but is to scared to ask you to dance with her, she thinks you're too perfect for you. I wanted to let you know so you don't feel disappointed that she won't ask you x

AminaEM 💍: Thanks for telling me Hazel, I shall ask her to dance I really like her too. I don't know why Daisy thinks I am the perfect one when it's her.

Hazel 💞: Aww you guys would make such a cute couple.

AminaEM 💍: Aww thanks Hazel. You and Alexander are adorable.

Hazel 💞: I was going to ask how you knew however I know that we are not the best at keeping our feelings secret.

AminaEM 💍: hahaha yes it was really obvious on the ship, I was waiting for it to happen 😅

Hazel 💞: Istg he took forever, I was as obvious as possible yet he noticed nothing 🤣

AminaEM💍: haha, I had better go and get ready for the dance but thanks for the heads up about Daisy

Hazel 💞: no worries, also if you dare hurt Daisy I will have to hunt you down and murder you and trust me I've seen a lot of murders

AminaEM 💍: I wouldn't dream of hurting Daisy but thanks for the warning ⚠️


Hazel 💞: I'm back

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: you didn't miss anything

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: where'd you go?

Hazel 💞: you won't find out until tonight 😏

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: should I be scared?

Little sprout 🌱: no, Hazel is nice

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: Hazel where did you go?

Hazel 💞: I'll message you privately


Hazel 💞 and Iwantaboyfriend 💋 are now chatting privately.

Hazel 💞: basically I messaged Amina and told her that Daisy was too nervous to ask her to dance and that she really liked her

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: OMG 😱

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: *sips tea* ☕☕☕

Hazel 💞: Amina admitted to liking Daisy and said that she would ask her to dance

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: OH MY GOD

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: Hazel Wong the matchmaking genius. First George and Lavina, now Daisy and Amina who's next

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: ☕☕☕

Iwantaboyfriend 💋: you are brilliant

Hazel 💞: why thank you, it was very fun

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