Little sprout 🌱: I'm doing combined science, Latin, sociology, drama, business and History.

AminaEM 💍: I'm doing Geography, triple science, drama, computing, business and French.

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: I'm doing History, combined science, textiles, Latin, drama and sociology.

Hazelnut 💗: I'm doing Triple science, geography, history, Latin, French and Music.

Idiot 🥸: wow Hazel you went deep on the Academics

Hazelnut 💗: yep 😁

Little sprout 🌱: What are you doing boys?

Longarms 🇺🇸: I'm doing Woodwork, triple science, Geography, French, history and PE.

Idiot 🥸: and I'm doing Woodwork, History, Latin, triple science, computer science and PE.

Little sprout 🌱: cool


Hazelnut 💗 and Mr Wong are chatting privately.

Mr Wong: Hazel Wong why are your sisters not at home?

Hazelnut 💗: because they are at school.

Mr Wong: school?

Hazelnut 💗: yes, since you like sending your children to England for education, they are now attending Deepdean primary school.

Mr Wong: I see, and why wasn't I told about this

Hazelnut 💗: because no one like you.

Mr Wong: Jie Jie and I would like to speak to you, your mother, Rose and Mei.

Hazelnut 💗: I can assure you, we don't want to speak to you or Jie Jie.

Mr Wong: it is important, it is regarding Teddy.

Hazelnut 💗: then I definitely don't want to talk to either of you.

Mr Wong: Hazel Wong if you don't come I will disown you.

Hazelnut 💗: I couldn't care less at this point

Mr Wong: Wong Fung Ying I will speak to you

Hazelnut 💗: If you want to speak to us you'll have to come to England as I'm not going to Hong Kong.

Mr Wong: very well, Jie Jie, your brother and I will be flying over in a few days.

Hazelnut 💗: He is not my brother, my brother is Bertie Wells.

Hazelnut 💗: Also if you want your threats to be affective, use my middle name. Oh wait you weren't with my mother in the delivery room so you didn't know the middle name my grandfather gave me.

Mr Wong: my father gave you a middle name?

Hazelnut 💗: He kept a lot of things from you

Mr Wong: preposterous

Hazelnut 💗: What's my middle name, does he like your concubine, did he tell you about his real will.

Mr Wong: of course he liked Jie Jie and what do you mean real will. He gave everything to Teddy.

Hazelnut 💗: you are wrong on both accounts.

Mr Wong: Wong Fung Ying I demand you to tell me what you are talking about.

Hazelnut 💗: 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


Little sprout 🌱 and Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷are chatting privately.

Little sprout 🌱: Hey babe ❤️

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: hii ❤️

Little sprout 🌱: how are you ❤️

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: I'm good, how are you? ❤️

Little sprout 🌱: good ❤️

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: do you want to go on a date this weekend?

Little sprout 🌱: yessss ❤️

Alcoholisthebestmedicine 🍷: love you ❤️

Little sprout 🌱: I love you too ❤️


I'mthebestpersonever 💖 and AminaEM 💍: *casually making out*


Idiot 🥸 and Idon'tgiveashit 🔪 are chatting privately.

Idiot 🥸: Hey babe

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: Hey George

Idiot 🥸: how are you? ❤️

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: bored

Idiot 🥸: same

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: what are you doing?

Idiot 🥸: lying on my bed

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: same

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: wanna sneak out together?

Idiot 🥸: heck yeah

Idon'tgiveashit 🔪: meet you under the bridge in 5 minutes. ❤️

Idiot 🥸: ❤️

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