Longarms 🇺🇸: oh Hazel I'm so sorry, I never knew. I'm so sorry please forgive me.

Hazelnut 💗: it's ok Alex, I didn't tell anyone, I had to try and be strong - for my sisters.

Longarms 🇺🇸: will you forgive me?

Hazelnut 💗: Yes Alex I forgive you.

Longarms 🇺🇸: *carefully walks over to Hazel and sits next to her on the bed*

Hazelnut 💗: hold me Alex, I really need you.

Longarms 🇺🇸: *lays down and pulls Hazel into an embrace*

Hazelnut 💗: *still sobbing however calming once she breathed in Alexander's scent*


Uncle Felix 😎: I'm going to check on them, Bertie just in case get the shovel, George you get... something to kill him with, Rose, don't tell your mother and Harold... Don't call the police, just look after the mini Wongs.

Harold 💫: got it

Bertie 🌍: 😏

Idiot 🥸: 😏

Idiot 🥸: if Alexander has a bruise on his face it's because I punched him

Bertie 🌍: good on you George

Rose 📚: good, that prat deserved it

Uncle Felix 😎: For someone so small and quiet, you certainly are vicious Rose

Rose 📚: I get it from Hazel

Harold 💫: sounds accurate

Bertie 🌍: sounds about right

Idiot 🥸: accurate

Uncle Felix 😎: fair point


Bertie 🌍 and I'mthebestpersonever 💖 are chatting privately.

Bertie 🌍: we are potentially going to have to dig a grave

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: whose?

Bertie 🌍: Alexander's

I'mthebestpersonever 💖: Be at the apartment in 5 minutes 😏


Chatting in real life

Uncle Felix 😎: *opens the door to find Hazel and Alexander asleep together*

Uncle Felix 😎: umm boys I don't think we need to dig a grave.

Rose 📚: why?

Bertie 🌍: awwww why?

Idiot 🥸: oh that's a shame

Harold 💫: ...

Uncle Felix 😎: come see

*Bertie, Harold, George and Rose walk over to the door and peer inside the room*

Rose 📚: awwwww

Harold 💫: oh that's so cute

Bertie 🌍: Daisy won't be happy

Uncle Felix 😎: what did you do

Bertie 🌍: I told her we were going to dig Alexander's grave

Idiot 🥸: bet she was well excited about that

Bertie 🌍: yes she was


Husband 🤩 and Wifey 💘 are chatting privately.

Husband 🤩: Hazel and Alexander had a fight

Wifey 💘: how bad was it

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