Chapter 217: Evil Retribution

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The Shen Da brothers were happy to take their father back to the Wei family, those who stared at them were all kinds of unhappy, for them, the closer the relationship between the Shen Da brothers and the Wei family, the more difficult it was for them to deal with them, the power held by the main Wei family was too great, people had to be afraid, even as long as you don't provoke him, the Wei family has always been extremely low-key.

What others think of the Shen Da brothers must not know, even if they know, they will not care, this no, can not stand the enthusiasm of the Wei family, the family lived in the Wei family for several days, only when the emperor decreed Shen Ruiting's play, canonized Shen Da as the son of Tanglin, he went back, it is said that the emperor's illness has worsened in the past few days.

If possible, Shen Liang wants to live in the Wei family until he gets married, and the Wei family also wishes that they could live for a long time, but they have their own busyness after all, and a few days later, the Shen Da brothers still said goodbye to the Wei family, and even Wei Zeqian went back together, because Shen Liang was about to get married, and he also wanted to be with his son more, but he promised the Wei family, and when Shen Liang got married, whether Shen Ruiting agreed or left or not, he would move back and live for a long time.


The news that King Qingping will marry Shen Liang next month soon spread inside and outside the imperial city, the people did not cheer, now Shen Liang is like the son of all the people who love together, everyone wants to see him happily marry into the Qingping Royal Mansion, Qin Yunshen, who was recently troubled by the investigation of the Criminal Department, was so angry that he smashed his study after learning about it, since the news that Shen Da was not dead came back, everything seems to have changed, and now not only him, but also the Taishi Mansion has also been investigated by the Criminal Department , because Liu Wenjin was also implicated, Yang Wanli had always been friendly with Duanxia, and the Criminal Department could not be described as not giving any face, forcing him to follow Ye Tian's advice, forcibly endured the unhappiness and took the pregnant Shen Jing to the palace every day, so as to soften the heart of his father and emperor, and finally achieved a little effect, I don't want King Qingping to decide to marry Shen Liang at this time.

Sitting weakly on the chair, Qin Yunshen leaned his head on the back of the chair, his eyes stared at the roof a little lazily, I don't know why, he always felt that Shen Liang should be his, it must be his, something must have gone wrong, how could he marry Pei Yuanxian and become the princess of Qingping? He should have married him as the fourth prince's concubine!


A knock sounded, Qin Yunshen did not respond, Ye Tian boldly pushed the door in, looking at the mess all over the ground, Ye Tian sighed helplessly: "Fourth Master, why are you here?" Shen

Liang is indeed the best candidate for the fourth prince's concubine, in the past, they still had a chance to fight, but now Shen Dafufu is convinced in front of the emperor that the person who harmed him that day is their person, even if he does not marry Pei Yuanxian, it is impossible to marry the fourth master again, the emperor does not allow it, Shen Da does not allow it, and the Wei family will not allow it.

"You don't understand!"

Raising his hand to cover his eyes, Qin Yunshen muttered weakly, even he didn't understand himself, how could he understand?

"Fourth Master, you must focus on the overall situation, if you really love Shen Liang so much, when you ascend the throne and find a way to destroy the Qingping Royal Mansion, you can also take him over and hide him in the inner courtyard of the deep palace, at this time, you can't be more real."

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