Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    Qin Xiang came to Anyuan for the first time.

    But An Yuan was no stranger to Ling An people.

    Anyuan is extremely expensive for Ling'an's mansion. People living in this row are either rich or expensive, but Anyuan is the only one, because of its ingenious design, the selling price is relatively high.

    So it's been empty here.

    Even Qin Xiang has seen a lot of things in the world, but since entering Anyuan, every step he takes, he will be shocked by the sight in front of him, even more than the Gu family.

    But as long as he thinks that the most honorable man in the world lives here, he feels that he is the only one who deserves it.

    After bypassing the Chaoshou Corridor, past the rockery courtyard building, and along the Xiaohe Arch Bridge, Qin Xiang was taken to the east courtyard.

    As soon as I entered, my heart was beating wildly like a drum play. When she was led into it, she quietly raised her eyes and saw that the furnishings in the house were extremely simple, yet luxurious.

    Those eyes touched the gilded lily cauldron with the rising fine smoke next to the table table, and moved up slowly, when they saw Yan Cheng, who was surrounded by a cold aura, he was so frightened that he immediately knelt down.

    "The people's daughter Qin Xiang, I have seen Your Highness." Qin Xiang knelt down, the fragrance on her body fluctuated with her movements, and when she lifted up the delicate face covered in pink, she could tell at a glance that it was deliberately dressed up.

    Yan Cheng looked at the book in his hand, without raising his head, and said in a low voice, "No ceremony."

    "Why are you here to find the solitary?"

    Qin Xiang thought of what she was going to say next, and her hand hidden at the cuff became nervous. trembled.

    But when she came this time, she had no choice. If her brother was braver, he wouldn't ask her to open his mouth. It's true that her brother never fights or grabs, but she can't afford to wait or spend it.

    It is to help my brother, and it is also to help myself.

    Yan Cheng didn't wait for a sound for a long time. He has never been a patient person. After a moment, he frowned slightly, lifted his eyelids lazily, and looked at Qin Xiang who was standing in the middle.

    Qin Xiang sent people to inquire about Yan Cheng in private, and even inquired about his likes, dislikes, and dislikes. He didn't even miss how he and Xu Qianqian got into trouble.

    Therefore, His Royal Highness and Xu Qianqian are destined to not be together.

    The premise of two people being together is to cherish each other first, and then it can last for a long time.

    After thinking for a while, Qin Xiang knelt down again, slammed her head on the ground, and said softly, "His Royal Highness, the girl is here to ask for something from His Highness."

    Qin Xiang and Yan Cheng only met for the third time.

    It's a little tricky to say.

    Yan Cheng was able to let Qin Xiang enter the door because of the face that his concubine gave Zhou Shu's handkerchief in the past. Now, hearing her begging for words, she exhausted her patience and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

    Qin Xiang raised her head. After a while, he said: "My brother and sister Xu are in love with each other, and the girl wants to beg His Highness!"

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