〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 138: Points Of Connection.

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Link:  https://mobile.twitter.com/PoemHeaven/status/1565686125095706627


[the 1st of January]

Jiang Cheng was still staring at the now dark phone screen lovingly, when he was startled by the commotion by the front door  –  a mass of people suddenly started noisily getting out of the bar, and he now crouched, moving to the side, and into the shadows. Somebody inside had switched on the lights and now the French windows cast rich illumination onto the dark, abandoned streets, so shadows formed naturally too.

The noise, coming from the crowd, was somehow deafening  –  after Lan Huan's soft murmurs  –  and it kind of hurt him to listen to a thing so barbaric, as it eclipsed even the roar of the fireworks show in the winter sky, celebrating the coming of the new year, as the City Square was nowhere near to the bar.

What had happened? Were they coming for him perhaps? Had the accursed blonde told everyone that there was a criminal just a couple of meters away, and he had to be put away, for good this time?

Staring, wide-eyed and frightened, he realized that his biggest fear right now was not that he was going to jail, but that he would never see Lan Xichen again. It didn't seem plausible. It didn't sound doable. It sounded like the end of the world. His world.

Yet, people dispersed, laughing and cheering their captain on, joking and getting into cars and taxis. No one really paid attention to him, and he was grateful, despite the bitter cold. The blond psycho was one of the last ones to get out, saying a brief and rude goodbye to his boss, and Jiang Cheng expected trouble now, a different kind of trouble.

- Are you OK, A-Cheng?

A warm hand reached out for him, and he grabbed it: Bobby helped him up to his feet again, biting his lips as they got into the light, and he managed to see him better.

- I am a little...

Jiang Cheng staggered, and it was good that Bobby's shoulder was there for him to lean on. They both stepped inside, into the warmth of the bar again, and stopped in front of their boss, who was looking at them both critically, unimpressed. He pointed a finger at Bobby and just mumbled:

- You and A-Ning  –  go clean up. Now.

Bobby nodded and hurried to do it, a little glad that he was going to go home earlier than expected tonight. Jiang Cheng was left to his own devices, and now did his best to stand upright, and look as professional as possible.

The elderly man looked at him, measuring him up and down, shaking his head; it was a pitiful sight. His lips were still blue with the cold, his face was too pale and bloodless. His shirt was falling apart, and his bruised neck was shamelessly exposed. His pants were covered in mud, and he was shivering.

- A-Cheng...  -  he started seriously.  –  I took you in because I know you need the cash. I took you up because...  -  he hummed now, staring at him, frowning a little.

Jiang Cheng wondered whether this was a "you are fired"  talk, or his boss just liked to point out the obvious. He waited, patient, and trying to stop his shaking.

- I took you in because you're pretty. Attractive. You are good with clients. Also  –  because I know who your sister's fiancé is.  –  he went on coolly.

- Yes, sir.  –  he answered dispassionately.

- Will you be causing me more problems, boy?

- No, sir.

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum