〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 99: Unshed.

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/colinsjumps/posts/1206297693487982


[the 27th of December]

The porter had really hoped that he could go home early today. There usually was nobody working weekends in this particular office building, but it happened occasionally. 

Still, with the holidays at hand, he had sincerely doubted that anyone would be coming along. Yet, it was almost 5p.m., and Mister Lan was still upstairs. Just what was he doing up there??? True, he was something of a celebrity right now, but normally celebrities would work less, and not really more.

He sighed, bored, and just watched the people in the street through the darkened glass, checking the time again. But he immediately stood to attention, as the tiny golden squares of the lights of the elevator, designating the floors, suddenly were alight, and he knew  –  it was coming down, and Mister Lan was finally leaving. Hopefully.

He pulled at his uniform a little, straightening it and straightening his back, and now waited to see him off. Hopefully.

The doors opened with a ding and he gaped a little, now seeing two tall, slim men kissing inside, ignoring the fact that the elevator's doors closed again, and then opened again, and then closed again, and so on and so forth, as the machine expected them to get out. 

The middle-aged man felt embarrassed  –  he had totally forgotten about the young punk who had gone up a couple of hours ago, and he shouldn't have. Now it became quite clear what kind of "arrangement"  the two had had, but he decided to ignore this. It was far from the worst thing he had seen lawyers do.

- Silly...

- Wanyin...

Finally, Jiang Cheng managed to get them separated, too aware that someone was watching them, and almost kicked Lan Huan out of the elevator. Both stumbled out, looking almost drunk now, and Lan Xichen grumbled:

- Be a dear, Maurice, call a taxi for me?

The porter took to the phone immediately, too ashamed to speak, still able to hear them murmur too each other, too distinctly, as they were standing really close to him now.

- Promise me to have some rest tonight?

- I promise, love. I will text you later, as soon as I see Stella off. I hope to pack it all tonight. Will bring the bag to work tomorrow, actually. I think this will be best.

- You better do that, huh!

- I'll see you tomorrow, yes?

- Yes...

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