〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 42: The Second Night, The Second Morning.

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Lan Huan had caught the end of that conversation without wanting to. He had heard faint yelling, even over the sound of the TV, and immediately approached to make sure everything was OK. 

The sentence "All is fine, sis, all is great..."  had warmed his heart, but then another sentence had shattered it: "I promise, I will work more."

He really didn't know why Jiang Wanyin needed the money, but his heart was breaking to know he had to work such long exhausting hours. He also knew that if he offered to help him  –  he'd never accept it, he was far too proud for this.

Perhaps his mind subconsciously worried about this, perhaps this was why he had mentioned marrying him. He had never thought about marrying anyone before. Just... he was so happy right now.

He was biting his lips, wondering how Jiang Cheng must have seen him in the very beginning  –  squandering criminally large sums of money on alcohol, like the spoilt, egocentric idiot that he was. Was this why he never drank?  Had he seen the tips he had left for him, his presents, as... alms? Good god!

Had he really made such a colossal fool of himself?


They spent the evening literally glued to each other, watching the news and then having a light dinner together. Lan Huan finished off the bottle of wine, sulking a little, and Jiang Cheng once again admired his extraordinary ability to drink.

- Are you mad at me?  –  he had asked quietly.

- No, Wanyin. Never.  –  Lan Huan had murmured.

They took a shower together, again, and went to bed together, again, but this time it was just that. Both were naked this time, hugging, holding each other tight, but there was a sadness, a heavy silence between them. The mood was very different from the previous night's.

- I love you. Huan, I love you.   –  Jiang Cheng mumbled before falling asleep.

- I love you too, my darling.  –  Lan Xichen was stroking him, petting him, holding him until he fell asleep.

There were so many thoughts, battling each other in his head, that he never quite knew when he fell asleep too. The scent of Jiang Wanyin's hair, of his skin  –  they had an amazing, calming effect on him, and listening to his even, light breathing brought serenity to his soul, always.

When he woke up the next day he frowned to find the bed empty again. 

For one very scary second his heart skipped a beat: had it all been a dream?  A drug dream after his birthday? Was he going to go downstairs to find this huge house empty? Again?

He put on some clothes, but his fingers were trembling. He hurried down the stairs and... yes, there he was, standing by the tall window, staring outside, holding a cup of hot coffee... A picture of perfect beauty.

- Darling... Darling... Dearest...

He rushed and took him in his arms again, almost sobbing with relief. 

Jiang Cheng was amazed at the sudden burst of tenderness, but tried to hug him back, as well as he could, still holding the coffee cup. It was all déjà vu. And he already knew, he knew that sadness.

- I am here... Huan, I'm here... I've missed you... I miss you...  -  he was whispering, stroking the taller man's back gently with his free hand.

- Wanyin... I thought you were just a dream, Wanyin...  -  he whispered breathlessly.

- I am here. I love you.  –  Jiang Cheng smiled a little.

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt