〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 41: My Sister's Heart.

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- Hi, sis.  –  Jiang Cheng said sadly. 

- A-Cheng!!!  WHERE ARE YOU??? I've been trying to call you for two days now!  –  she squealed, actually relieved that her brother was  finally  calling her.

- I know. San Ji told me. It's been... intense.  –  he mumbled, frowning a little, his good mood   -  gone.

- How was the party? Where are you? Are you OK?!  –  A-Li blurted out, too worried for her brother.

- I am fine. The party was... uh, fine...

- What's wrong?  –  she whispered now. It was definitely not usual for A-Cheng to sound so dejected over the phone.

- A-Li... Don't be mad... But... Johnny came by my place last night, obviously...  -  he grumbled.  –  San San is still quite... shaken. Took day off today. They threatened him, A-Li! And I wasn't there... to protect him, you know...

- Good god! A-Cheng! – she gasped.  –  How long will this be going on, A-Cheng!? You cannot live like this forever! Deal with this shithead finally!!!

He could almost see the tears in her eyes now, taste her frustration.

- I am telling you all this not to make you worried, but rather... to tell you to be careful...  -  he said quietly, his voice getting lower, menacing.  –  Can you maybe leave town for a couple of days?

- How? With the snow now?  –  she cried out, desperate, far too upset to get angry at him.

- Oh. Uh, sorry, I forgot... I---

- Where the hell are you!?  –  she wailed.  –  Isn't there snow where you're at?!? Moron!!!

- There is... -  he mumbled under his nose. –  Actually... Quite a lot. But...

- What's wrong?! A-Cheng, what's happening?! Why aren't you talking to me??? Are you OK??

The worry was turning into panic, her voice getting shriller, her breathing quickening  -  he heard it clearly, the recognized it, and Jiang Cheng closed his eyes. He had to put her mind at ease before she did something stupid.

- I am fine, sis. I am more than fine, actually...  -  he blushed a little, not to sure how to speak about it.

- What... What does this mean, brother? Are you... in danger? Can you speak???  –  she gasped, not sure what to think now, how to act.

- I...  -  Jiang Cheng stuttered.  –  There is... someone new... in my life now... I am... Uhhh... I am at his place.

- His?   – she whispered.  –  What does this mean, A-Cheng???

- I... Chill, OK? Ummm... Remember I told you about this... client... at work... And... last night we... Ughhh...  -  he was extremely embarrassed to talk about this, it was all so fresh.

- A client?  –  she puffed now.  –  Did your boss ask you to do something inappropriate, A-Cheng!? Please don't tell me you've taken up a hit!

- Don't be mad... No... No, I haven't... And... It wasn't my boss...  -  he was blushing intensely, remembering his boss's words from a month ago, and rather preferring to discuss a wet job  than his... this... relationship.

- Is this the one with the crazy presents?!?!  –  she yelled now.  –  The one who was trying to buy you off?!

- No... Yes... But no... I...

- What now?!  –  she hissed, getting angrier and angrier. 

Just three weeks ago her brother was complaining about a customer at the bar who had been far too pushy with him, trying to get him into his bed. An asshole, undoubtedly!

- A-Li, it was me.  It was me who confessed first. Please, don't be mad...  -  he grumbled, slightly annoyed at his younger sister taking liberties with his personal life again.

- You confessed?! To him?!  How?!  What for?! A murder??? WHY???  BLACKMAIL???   –  she shouted, too pissed off to care any more.

- Jie-jie!  -  Jiang Wanyin raised his voice impatiently.  –  He saved my life! OK?!  He saved me! He was the one who... He... He loves me... Like no one has ever loved me... A-Li... Please, don't be mad now... I... I...  -  he was sobbing over the phone, overcome by extreme conflicting emotions.

- A-Cheng!  – Jiang Yanli exclaimed, worried again.

It was so rare that Jiang Wanyin ever cried. It was extremely rare that he showed this kind of emotions at all.

- I love him, alight?! I do...  -  he whimpered.  –  All my life... All our lives... I... I have had so little love... And now... He is... so amazing... Sis, I don't know what to do! I cannot drag him into this! He has enough on his plate as it is... I am... I am... so torn!

There was a pause; Jiang Yanli was waiting for him to calm down, thinking feverishly.

- I will talk to A-Xuan... -  she bit her lip.  –  Are you gonna stay... there... now?

- Yes.  –  he wiped his eyes, still sniffling.  –  I will be here for a couple of days. I am back on, will be working, on Friday, though.

- Good. Calm down, A-Cheng... I will come by on Friday, so that we can talk. Did you talk to San Ji?

- Yes... He is fine... But... I am not sure for how long... This cannot happen again.  -  he mumbled, trying to take a deep breath and relax again.

- Hmmm. We'll send someone to watch the flat. San Ji will be OK... but... But you are sure you are OK?  –  she asked again tentatively.

- I am fine!  Why would I be, dammit?!?   –  he scoffed now, loath to thank her for her crappy boyfriend's  protection.

- Don't you yell at me, Mister!!! It's hell here!  –  she scoffed back.  –  There is no electricity and none of the shops are working... The traffic is terrible... There will be riots in the streets! And it keeps on snowing! And I haven't washed my hair for two whole days now!!! TWO DAYS!!!

- I... Sorry.   –  he mumbled.  –  It is warm and nice here. We have electricity... and food... All is fine here, sis. All is great... Too great...

- Be safe, DiDi. I worry.  You don't know this man! He could be some sort of a psychopath! Or a rat! Who knows!  –  her voice actually begged over the phone.

- I... I know...  -  he mumbled. These thoughts had been in his head for a month now too.  –  I will be careful. I promise. I swear.

- You are all I have, A-Cheng...  -  she whimpered now.  –  Please, take care of yourself!

- You forgot Jin Zixuan too quickly, sis.  –  he grumbled.

- You are all the family I've got, moron!  –  she scowled, not appreciating the uncouth joke.

- I know. I know.  It will be fine, A-Li. I will manage. I promise. It will be over soon. I will work more.  –  he mumbled.

- I just want you to be happy, brother...

- I know. Bye.


- Are you OK?

The soft voice startled him, and he turned around sharply  –  Lan Xichen was standing in the doorway, staring at him with worry all over his face.

- Have you been crying?  Why have you been crying, Wanyin?

He just shook his head, glaring at his phone with empty eyes.

- I am OK. It's all OK.  My baby sister worries too much. I am sorry.  –  he mumbled, hiding his face and brushing wetness off his face. 

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now