〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 45: Blood, Sweat And Tears. (Part 1)

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The Friday morning was a complete mess. 

Lan Xichen's phone started ringing as early as 7 in the morning, waking them up, making Jiang Cheng frown  –  he really wanted his lover to sleep at least a little longer. But, it seemed that life in the city was quickly coming back to normal, and this entailed things going back to the usual business as well.

Lan Huan kissed him quickly and went downstairs to make some coffee and bring it back to bed, as he was still talking, lying on his belly, his hair still messy, arguing with someone on the phone ardently.

They kissed again and Lan Huan sipped on the hot drink, thankful, but grumpy enough.

After a quick shower and even quicker breakfast, they finally managed to get started. Jiang Cheng smiled a little  –  Lan Xichen's car looked like a toy from the outside, but once having gotten in, he changed his mind  –  it was luxurious and extremely comfortable. He was gaping, touching and stroking every surface  –  it was indeed so pretty!

Yet, comfort and aesthetics did not mean that they could avoid the traffic jams. Lan Huan was cursing, fuming, as it was 11:30, almost noon already and all the roads, leading into the city's center, were totally clogged. The plan had been for them to go for the tests, have lunch together, and then drive to Jiang Wanyin's place so that he could change before the upcoming 14-hour shift.

- I am so late!  –  he moaned, ignoring the incoming phone messages.  –  It's such a mess!

Jiang Wanyin placed his hand on his knee, trying to calm him down.

- It's fine... Huan, it's OK. Really. We could go for the tests next week... It's fine.

- No!  – he growled.  –  This is torture! I can't wait! We've waited enough!

Jiang Cheng blushed. He knew too well that the test results would be out in a couple of days. Also, he had to work for the next 4 days, intensively so, before his next 3 days off came.

- It's hard.  –  he mumbled.  –  It's been so hard...

There was a silence between them now, only the distant honking of car horn arrived, as if from a great distance, as the car was  –  to a great extent  –  sound-proof as well. They were waiting, stuck in traffic, quiet and still, their fingers interlaced.

- I miss you...  -  Jiang Cheng whimpered finally. For the past couple of days he had gotten used to being so close to his loved one almost all the time.

- I miss you too, Wanyin.  –  Lan Huan said in a husky voice, frowning worse.


Arriving at the hospital didn't make things any better. 

They had to wait, as there were queues all around  –  people had been waiting for almost a week to see a doctor. The hospital lab almost kicked them out, saying that blood tests were only made in the early mornings, before any breakfast. Jiang Wanyin was squeezing Lan Huan's hand, listening to him argue fiercely, demanding to see the head nurse immediately, and when she arrived, sulking after being torn away from an extremely busy day, it suddenly turned out that she was a total fan of his, having seen him on TV. Now she was blushing and telling him just how much she liked him. 

Lan Huan was gaping, and Jiang Cheng was blushing too, embarrassed, listening to her telling him how extremely  good-looking he was, how much she admired him, how there should always be justice for all, and all the bla bla  they didn't quite have time for.

The end result was that Lan Xichen gave her his sweetest smile, and she arranged for them to be checked in for a blood test sample immediately. The whole procedure took about 5 minutes altogether, but it was already well past 1:30 in the afternoon.

- Well, this one was close! Having fans has its advantages, I guess!  –  Lan Huan puffed, grinning now, and dragging a pouting Jiang Cheng down the corridor.  –  Now, I swear I am going to take you to the best restaurant in town, even if the sky decides to fall over us!  –  he huffed, impatient, sweaty, nervous and hungry.

- Huan... I don't quite like... this... The way... she... she talked... to you...  -  Jiang Cheng was mumbling,  panting, running after him a little  –  Lan Xichen's legs were longer and he couldn't wait to get out of the damned hospital.

But then, taking a turn, just before the elevators, he suddenly stopped dead in his steps.

- Wangji?!

Jiang Cheng gaped.

What the hell??? The brat again?!?



Inspiration for the chapter's title:

Steve Vai ‎– "The Blood & Tears"

Source: https://www.facebook.com/readingswithkayla/photos/a.1695684207218073/5113535845432875/

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now