〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 15: Heart Dust.

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Jiang Cheng woke up and he immediately knew that he wasn't home

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Jiang Cheng woke up and he immediately knew that he wasn't home. He woke up in a golden bedroom, in a cotton-soft, fragrant fairy-tale.

His head hurt, but he managed to blink a couple of times before wincing with pain. 

God... were his ribs broken? Was his head cracked?

He didn't quite remember all the blows from yesterday.

He propped himself in bed and looked around. He was lying on golden silk, in a huge comfortable bed. The heavy peach-colored drapes were pulled aside a little, letting in lush sunshine that covered the room in a soft glow. He ran his hands over the soft fabric of the bed covers and noticed that they were now bearing marks of dry blood here and there. Was it him who had done that?

He looked down, a little frightened  –  he was lying down in just his T-shirt and shorts. Where was he? What kind of fairy-tale was that? He only remembered Johnny and his ---


Lan Xichen. 

It all came back to him in a flash, and his head started hurting even more, as his blood started throbbing faster. He had to get out of here, wherever "here" was. Soon. Fast.

He got out of the soft bed with difficulty, and searched for his clothes, but couldn't find them. The place was too quiet and he wondered if he was all alone in the whole house. He staggered to the French window and looked outside. Sunny hills, a marble-covered white lane, a dark purple Porsche,  a swimming pool... it meant nothing to him.

He carefully peeked outside the door  –  just an empty corridor and a flight of stairs

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He carefully peeked outside the door  –  just an empty corridor and a flight of stairs. He knew that he had to get downstairs and search for his clothes and phone at least. 

Uhh, his head hurt so badly... 

The world was spinning... Going down the stairs was actually a hard thing to do.

He took a wrong turn and ended up in a vast, expensive-looking kitchen, meticulously clean and sparkling white. He bit his lips and walked the other way, now overhearing a faint voice:

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now