〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 3: The Lan Brothers.

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Corresponding chapter in WangXian: Trial And Error: [The Jade Brothers.]


Lan Xichen was up at 4:30 a.m.


He just couldn't sleep, this murder case was far too brutal. The police had pointed out a suspect, and he still wasn't sure if the young man was guilty indeed... But if he was  –  he was a monster. 

He sighed, yes, despite being all alone in his huge house on the outskirts of town. He hated serial killers! He hated them because they were psychopaths, mostly, and extremely good  at lying, even to their own lawyers.

It was dirty work, but someone had to do it. This time he was playing for the defense, which sucked, but, oh well. Obviously, his boss had a little somethin in mind. The prosecutors and the D.A. were going to crucify him and his team, just like every time.

He needed a distraction. 

It was a fine, pale, late fall morning, the weather was chilly and it was very clear that the day was going to be windy  –  the sky was painted in curious purple-and-pink-and-orange. 

The town amazed him again. And the skyline view from his terrace was to-die-for. He was sipping on his coffee, trembling a little in the freezing wind, waking up with difficulty after his 3 hours of uneasy sleep that night.

He hated to sleep alone.

Checking his watch, he wondered if Wangji was up. His brother, too, was having trouble sleeping lately, it seemed, but they hadn't discussed it, not really. He worried. Lan Zhan had been so... distracted  lately. He wondered why.

- Hmmm.  –  he huffed.  –  It's Wednesday. A hearing at 8:30 a.m. Fuck goddammit!  –  he mumbled under his breath, getting back inside again.

It was 6 a.m. 

High time. He was sure his Di was up. He had to be. Grinning, he dialed the number, secretly hoping to maybe wake him up. The sucker opened the shop at 9! Who had such working hours, at all?! Business in New York was either 24/7, or starter after 11! 

He sighed again, envying his brother  –  this was the sweetest thing about being self-employed. It was up to you, all of it.

Well, if he didn't pick up  –  then he still had time to stop by his place to check on him on his way to the Court! But, no  –  he picked up a little too quickly.

- Ge.  –  a grumpy voice, definitely.

- Good morning, Wangji! Did I wake you up?!  –  Lan Xichen chirruped enthusiastically on the line.

Lan Wangji grunted and he clearly heard that he put the phone on speaker.

- What is it?!?   –  a bratty scoff.

- Why have you been so grumpy lately, little brother? Ha, I wonder!  –  Lan Huan exclaimed, now checking his closet for the best tie for his dark navy blue suit.

- No comment.   –   Lan Zhan obviously wasn't too eager to talk about it, but it didn't stop him.

- I worry, Di! You cannot be living on your own any more... I understand seeking for peace and quiet, but... I think you are lonely, Wangji. Hmmm... this tie? Hmmm.  –  he puffed, but said the words worriedly, still multitasking and checking if all paperwork for his first case for the day was safely tucked into his briefcase.

- Don't worry too much for me, Xichen. I will be fine!  –  he mumbled, as was his habit.  –  You better tell me how things are going with that pretty young bartender you've been wooing now.  –   he mocked him, but Lan Huan was totally unimpressed. 

Ahh. He knew too well that whatever he wanted  –  he was going to get. Sooner or later.  He grinned  –  his Di was quite the amateur when it came to mind games.

- Ah, my A-Cheng...  -  Lan Xichen sighed dreamily, touching his lips and looking at his reflection in the mirror.  –  I am... hmmm... kinda... Working on it!

Lan Wangji laughed, and it sounded like an unamused bark; he couldn't help it  –  love was still unfamiliar to him. Lan Xichen knew that his brother knew that he was silly in love with the new guy who worked part-time at the Death&Co., and that he was spending ridiculous amounts of money on alcohol, hanging there often, trying to confess his affection. He truly didn't care. He had time.

Lan Huan grinned, bearing his teeth like a wolf. That sweet ass was going to be his soon!

- Why are you asking, Di? You've never asked before!  –  he chuckled, putting the shirt and the tie on.  –  Does this mean... Oh, Di! Does this mean you like someone too?!? Or are you... jealous???   –   he exclaimed excitedly.

- Damnit.  –  Lan Wangji mumbled under his nose.  –  I have to go. I will be late for work.

Lan Xichen laughed out loud merrily this time. He knew that he had hit a nerve.

- Ah, Wangji... I think I will pay you a visit there, one of these day.... At your... work place!  See what Uncle was all about!

- Don't laugh, Ge!  –  Lan Zhan huffed unhappily.  –  It is so not funny!

- But why? Why did you get into it at all, if you hate it so much? Uncle did it for the profit, surely, but you don't need money, Di! So why?   –   Lan Huan asked, too curious. His brother always avoided this question and he wondered why.

- I have to go now.  –  the brat just hung up on him, and he now stared at the screen of his phone in indignation, slightly amazed.

  –  the brat just hung up on him, and he now stared at the screen of his phone in indignation, slightly amazed

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Only young Wangji had the right to treat him like that, he was very aware of it. 

All this friends and acquaintances respected him, and he suspected  –  were mildly afraid of him. Most were in sheer awe; his capacity for partying was legendary, his stamina was envied, and his skills in court were excellent. He was wealthy and single. He had good connections, a promising career. People didn't just randomly hang up on him!

- Brat!  –  he scoffed now, not really angry.

It was time to get ready and set out for work.


Lan Xichen was very pretty too.

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now