〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 46: Blood, Sweat And Tears. (Part 2)

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Corresponding chapters in  WangXian: Trial And Error:

[Sirens And Lights.]
[Hospital Drama.]


He clearly felt Lan Huan squeeze his sweaty hand in his own big palm.

- What are you doing here, Di?!  Has anything happened???  What is the meaning of this?!

He literally barked the words at the police detective that was towering over Lan Wangji  –  the sudden sight of his brother, covered in blood and crying, face buried in his hands,  pushed him over the edge, and hard. 

Jiang Wanyin could feel his wrath even in just the intonation of his voice. He was dragging him on and forward, rushing down the corridor and approaching the scene like a natural disaster.

Lan Xichen was blind with rage. Someone had hurt his brother, and so someone had to pay!

- What is the meaning of this?! Answer immediately, goddammit?!  –  Lan Xichen hissed the words, finally coming to a full stop, his eyes glaring at the man in front of him, and moving to swiftly evaluate the condition his Di was in.

Jiang Cheng gasped, breathless after the short but intense marathon, gawking at it all, perplexed. His lover sounded... frightening.

The policeman gaped too. 

He knew this man. This was the man from the news.

- You... You... You are... him...  -  he mumbled, flushed in the presence of a real celebrity.

Lan Xichen rolled his eyes, but he felt Jiang Cheng squeeze his hand a little harder now. His heart sank  –  his lover, unlike him, wasn't used to this: him being recognized every day, all the time. For a moment he had totally forgotten about him; the horror, the worry for his baby brother had been way too strong.

He squeezed the warm hand in his hand a little harder too, but turned towards his Di, unwaveringly.

Wangji, are you OK? What's with all the blood, Di?  –  he murmured. Nothing else mattered in that second.

Lan Zhan was in a pitiful state. 

Extremely pale, crouching in his chair, his clothes bloody and his face in his hands, he looked as if he had just been in a car crash.

- It's Wei Ying.  –  he whispered weakly.

Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow and then frowned. 

Of course! Rely on Wei Wuxian to always get into trouble! Why was he even surprised!

- What happened?  –  Lan Huan asked sternly, but got no answer, just quiet whimpering.  –  What  happened?!  –  he turned towards the policeman with the same question, truly looking like a predator.

- Uhh, sir...  -  he was starting to get a grip, apparently.  –  It is an ongoing investigation... I...

- Bullshit!!!  –  Lan Huan huffed, dismissing the nonsensical answer.  –  I am his lawyer!   –  he pointed towards Lan Wangji, who, strangely, didn't react at all.  

The policeman blinked. 

This boy wasn't a suspect, for now, as they had found the young woman who had committed the crime, in a shock too, literally red-handed,  but he still had to take his witness testimony. And his family... And now this famous lawyer... They... they were brothers?! Right? Uh, this was trouble! His Captain was going to kill him!

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now