〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 4: Buy-A-Bride.

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Initially, Jiang Cheng thought of the whole thing as a joke. Then he got a little worried. And then  –  a little embarrassed. And now, now he was scared.

Lan Xichen did not skip even a single day. He came by the bar, even if it was for just 5 minutes if his day was super busy, but he never missed his shifts. To see him. To greet him. To bring him presents.

It was uncomfortable, to say the least. On the first day after their first meeting he came to bring him flowers. On the second day it was candy. On the third day he brought a small velvet box which contained a sterling silver bracelet.

But, of course, it was more complicated than this. 

After his shift had finished that day, Jiang Wanyin had called the flower shop just to check the price, just out of curiosity, in jest. The price they announced made him choke on his tea  –  it was more than he usually earned for two weeks at the bar, and the girl who politely answered all his questions informed him that it was custom-made, for a special client. She had sighed dreamily, and told him that she truly envied that client's wife. Jiang Wanyin had blushed deeply.

So secondly, he had brought the box of candy home, and his roommate, who was studying to become a professional chef, had told him, with tears of pure joy and excitement in his eyes, that the candy was genuine Swiss hand-made fine chocolate with exotic spices that could not be found in the country for sure, and had to have been delivered within the last 24 hours, because the dark chocolate hadn't still formed the so typical white patina. 

Jiang Cheng had gone pale and upset when he had heard him say:

- It costs as much as a second-hand car... I have never even hoped to see something like this... not before I got to be at least 50!

When, on the third day, he had opened the small box, frowning and scared, Lan Xichen had leaned in over the bar's counter, closer to his face, and murmured softly:

- It is an ankle bracelet... I hope... Maybe one day... I might be able to put it... on you... myself... Jiang Wanyin...

The young man didn't know what to do. He didn't even know where to put something so expensive, he had no safe-box at home  -  no normal person did! He was far too frightened to go to a goldsmith for an evaluation; it was very obvious that it was extremely expensive.


On the fourth day, Lan Xichen entered the bar, looking smug and pleased with himself, but before he even managed to open his mouth to say anything, Jiang Wanyin came out from behind the counter, sulking, and said:

- Please, don't do this any more. I can't take this either.

He handed him the velvet box back, and Lan Huan gaped foolishly at the small box in his hand.

- But... Jiang Wanyin...

- Please, stop. You are wasting money. If you have so much  –  give it to charity. I am not impressed by your money, Lan Xichen.

Lan Huan stared, watching him go back to his work station, and now ask him professionally:

- What's it gonna be tonight, sir? Or just the usual?

He only managed to gulp and mumble:

- The usual, yes, please.

Jiang Cheng nodded and poured whiskey. And then another one. And another. Lan Xichen had put the small box in front of himself on the counter and was only staring at it in absolute silence.

After the sixth glass of neat whiskey (Jiang Wanyin was actually mildly impressed), he finally raised his eyes and looked at the young bartender with such seriousness that he almost laughed:

- I understand, Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng frowned at the level of familiarity, but decided not to argue  –  the young lawyer was most probably very drunk by now, so he could forgive him. But he sulked and glared at him; had it been anyone else  –  he would have certainly hit him.

- I will wait, Wanyin. I will find another way to win you. To win your heart.

Jiang Wanyin blushed a little and now took a closer look.

Well... hmm.

Lan Xichen was tall, and extremely well-built. 

Broad shoulders and a thin waist that his suits only accentuated, he looked like a super model. His skin was pale and his dark eyes were so bright that his face often looked even paler. Delicate lips, delicate fingers, he was definitely gifted with mesmerizingly good genes. His longish hair was always caught in a neat tail that snaked down to the middle of his back.

Jiang Cheng wondered how was it that he was still not married.

- Why are you doing this?  –  he scoffed now, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

- You look like a prince.  –  Lan Huan murmured dreamily.  –  I want you to feel like one too.

- Nonsense!  –  he huffed.  –  "Beauty is skin-deep."  –  have you heard this saying before?

- I sure have.  –  Lan Xichen smiled lightly.  –  Trust me, it's new to me too.

- What is?  -  Jiang Wanyin glared now.

- Love at first sight. I never knew it was possible.  –  Lan Huan now grinned happily, sheepishly.

- Do you want another?

Jiang Wanyin bit his lips and looked around nervously. This wasn't very fair, but there weren't any other customers right now. Not like this one.

- Yes. Yes, please.  –  Lan Xichen murmured again, watching his every move as if already drunk   -   not on whiskey, but on strong love potion.

  –  Lan Xichen murmured again, watching his every move as if already drunk   -   not on whiskey, but on strong love potion

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[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now