〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 116: Victor. 🔞 [!TW!]

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[the 29th of December]

- You're very quiet today, Boss.

Gao Xi was driving; the prison was out of town and the snow intensified around noon, so he was sulking  –  he hated having to be too focused when driving, he liked high speed.

- Hmmm.

A comfortable silence, as now both men sank deeper into their thoughts. Different thoughts, and different worries, but inevitably circling around the same people, places, events.

- I hate visiting that prison, Xichen.  –  he mumbled now unhappily.

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Somehow, he had hoped that the days before the trip were going to be exciting and light, days of rest. And they miraculously had turned into the busiest time he had had in December, now with that extra task his boss had put heavy on his shoulders.

He couldn't let him down.

- It will be over soon, babyboy.  –  Lan Huan said thoughtfully.

This time Gao Xi didn't laugh at the jeering pet name. His boss's mind was far away, it was clear to see.

- I hate this dude. I hate this sick piece of trash, Boss!!!  –  he grunted.

- You can't be a good lawyer with that attitude, boy!  –  Lan Xichen barked at him now, casting a deathly look at the rear-view mirror  –  he didn't doubt that Gao Xi was staring at his reflection there now.

He didn't quite want to travel in the passenger's seat. He needed to think, a place apart. He got two messages from Jiang Wanyin on their way to the prison, and this was the only time he had the chance to truly smile today.


@ Are you cold? How could you get your hair wet this morning, asshole!? I hate you!!! Now I'm gonna be worried for you all day long! I hate this!!! @


@ I miss you. Promise me to come by tonight? @


There was so much of Jiang Cheng in those couple of sentences, there was so much of them being together these last couple of days there too, that Lan Xichen moved both to his "Saved" folder. Both were precious to him. 

A sweet smile danced on his lips when he wrote back:

# Not cold, baby. I am travelling in cars all the time, all day long, and I'm really warm. I miss you too, sweetheart. I love you too. I'll be there. #

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now