〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 82: The Phones.

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- Hi, hi! What's up, Kath! Merry Christmas!

- Ughhh, boss! What the fuck?! Why are you calling today?!  You are not calling on work days, but oh hoho! Holidays are just the---

- Are you OK? Your voice sounds weird today.

- Tequila.

- Oh. Oh.

- What's up? I'm dying here.

- Ummm, can you recommend a soft bar? Like, a soft place? Like, with soft---

- What the hell?! What is "soft"??? Is this some code for drugs now?!

- No, no. No drugs... No... I meant... Hmmm. Like a tea house? With cushions, you know? All that oriental stuff? Indian stuff?

- Why? Is your ass sore for some reason today?!

- I can hear you grin over the line, Kath. You know I am your boss still.

- Yea, fuck that. You are not my boss on national holidays. You are just an asshole friend who calls at... What's the time, motherfucker?! Is it before noon?!  YOU ARE CALLING BEFORE NOON.

- Dammit, Kath!

- Oh! Oh, I know! When is that interview with Channel 5?! Was it on the 3rd? On the 4th? I wanna be there! Boss, I haven't been to your house since that crass party after winning the Wayne case two years ago! Come on!  I will be quiet! You won't even know I'm there! I know you've redecorated the place!!!

- I'll think about it. Seriously. Depending on whether you behave today.

- Asshole.

- Please, focus, sweetheart!

- Ughh... Let me think... Ugh... It hurts... when I think... Well... you wouldn't like the Indian places... Most of them are just dirty and cheap... and full of junkies... The posh places are mostly booked for the holidays... I know that the  Death&Co.  is all private parties for 3 days straight! The suckers! Oh... Ooooooh, wait!  Is that pretty bartender with you?! Is this why you are asking for a SOFT place?! Is it his ass?!?!

- Honey, one more word, and I swear, I am going to put a pit viper in your bed once we reach Taipei.

- Hu hu hu hu! I see! I see now!!!

- Sometimes I wish you weren't a lawyer, Katherine.

- Ah, don't sigh so melodramatically now, asshole! You woke me up! Hmmm... Let me think... There is one place. They also offer some privacy... small boxes of sorts...

- I need it to offer food! Serious food!

- Oh... tables then, not cushions... Hmmm. Well, I went to a place with a friend about a month ago, it's downtown, and expensive, but  –  few people, slow jazz, and yea, there were quite the few pages of a menu. Pages on pages of teas too.  We drank... lots of things... ughh... cocktails... Settees were soft, I do remember.  Weird place, mixed. Perhaps you'll like it, though. Maybe your new boyfriend  will like it too!

- Shut up. Text me the address, will you?

- Hmmm. What will you do for me?!


- You are joking, right???

- Nope.

- Asshole.

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now