〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 55: Hard Work.

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The sweet art for this chapter was done by  @n3r0n3k0ch7_uwu  on Twitter! Please, check them out! 🥰 Isn't Wanyin just the prettiest????😍💜

Used with the author's kind permission!


Link:  https://twitter.com/n3r0n3k0ch7_uwu/status/1545457707398086656


- Always be jealous, Wanyin... Always...  -  Lan Xichen was breathing in his face, holding him very tight.  –  In this way we can have angry sex every time... And angry sex is the best kind of sex... I see it... I see how thirsty you are, my sweetest... So thirsty, dying... Craving to have me... Craving to be had... Oh, so pretty!!! So thirsty! Am I right, my love?

- Ughhhh...  -  Jiang Cheng could not formulate a simple syllable, he had no time for that, he had no air for that either; he was melting, breathless, having absolutely no idea how he was going to work for the rest of the day, the rest of the night. His fingers were grabbing at the dark suit desperately, needing to tear all those clothes apart, to have him  –  warm and naked, and his,  just belonging to him as well...

- I think I should be going.  -  Jiang Yanli mumbled coldly. She felt ignored, excluded. And she had no more wishes to delve into the past anyway.  –  It was nice meeting you, asshole!

Lan Huan ignored her insult, he ignored absolutely everything. 

Staring into the flushed hot face was all the world to him right now. One, two, three, four, five... Five heartbeats, five seconds. They stood very still, it was a brief moment of oneness, somehow, supernaturally. But then the words of the young girl echoed back from the end of time, from the edges of the universe, returning to them, five tolls of a single giant bell, and Jiang Wanyin stirred in the tight embrace, and Lan Xichen, blushing, let go of him reluctantly.

- I... I am late for...  -  he stuttered awkwardly.

- You promised me...  -  Jiang Cheng mumbled, blushing too.  –  Keep your promises, Lan Huan!

- Yes...

There had been an impossible heat inside Lan Xichen's body, and now it was dispersing slowly; an intense heat that  –  he knew it well  –  had they been in bed, would have exploded terribly in a wild night of messy love-making. His lover was right  –  it hurt, it hurt to be apart...

He reached out and grabbed his coat, never shifting his gaze from his lovely boy, but then  –  he had to go, and he started off when something fell to the floor and slid under the table. They both blinked, finally breaking eye contact, and now gaped sheepishly as Jiang Yanli stooped down and lifted something from the floor.

The Christmas presents. 

Lan Xichen had totally forgotten them, that they were in his coat's pockets at all. But now he grinned broadly, watching the little girl in front of him blush intensely (although she was the same age as him!). 

So... there was a way to hush her up, after all!

- Ughh... Shifty!  –  she now hissed, throwing the handcuffs and the harness and the lube into Jiang Cheng's face, making him frown again.  –  You are disgusting, A-Cheng!  –  she grunted at him, as if it had been his  coat that caused the drama.

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now