〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 142: Love Bites.

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Inspiration for this chapter:  

Def Leppard   -  "Love Bites".

Link:  https://twitter.com/cinnamoningroll/status/1568131467812941824


[the 1st - 2nd of January]

When the hotel manager approached the table where the top representatives of the American law firm were seated, she hesitated whom to talk to. 

Most were already too drunk, one was asleep, face over some salad, and a very old, grumpy-looking man was holding a blushing young girl in his lap, mumbling something in her ear. The least tragic  situation was a huge young man, who was screaming over the phone, trying to outshout the loud DJ music of the party now:

- Wanyin...! Baby, no...! But you should rest some...!!! But how can you be working after a night shift...!!! A double shift...?!? What the hell....!!! I'll talk to your boss....! Don't hiss at me, little one...!!! Not to call you what...??? For how long more...??? But, babe....! Oh....! Did you have lunch already, sweetness...? Oh...! You must be hungry, baby....! Ahh, I miss your coffee so much, love...!!! No, no one here....!!! We will eat cake when I come back...! In bed, yes...!!! I promise, yes....!!! Is it very cold there, babe...? Ah, but you need more rest, Wanyin...!!! Oh, not today...! I will upload all photos...! Yes, all photos...! Tomorrow...! But...! Oh, no babe....!!! But yes, some online thing...!!! I dunno...!!! Wangji has turned off his phone too... quite on purpose!!! The asshole...!!! Not to talk about what....? Oh...! But babe....!!! I miss you too, babe...!!! I can't hear you, my sweetheart...!!! Is it very noisy where you're at...?! Oh...? It's me..?! Ohhh, I see...!!! Yes, babe...! We will be back on the 3rd...!!! Is it the 2nd today...?! I really dunno...! No, I'm not drunk, A-Cheng....!!! Ah, you little...!!! No, I am rarely drunk...!!! Yes, champagne....!!! No, I dunno...!!! You have to go...? Shift, what.....? Oh, but so soon, babe...!!!! Oh, love...!!! I miss you too, love...!!! Oh... but babe... oh... Mmmm... I know.... I love you too...!!! But Wanyin...!!! Oh....

The woman was standing a little to the side, waiting for him to finish the conversation, or perhaps  –  just to lose  his voice, finally, but the big man seemed far too strong for this. So now she finally cleared her throat, trying to sound as polite as possible, and as little intrusive as possible:

- Sir... Excuse me, sir... Khhmmm....

She wouldn't have done it, but if there was indeed a medical emergency, this was more important than calling a... hmm... lover.

Lan Xichen looked at her with cold, cutting eyes, but mumbled unhappily: "I have to go now, my love."  and hung up.

- YES?  -  he growled at her.

- I am sorry, sir, but can we talk some place... quieter?  –  she said coolly.

She bit her lip when he got up from his chair  –  she had not expected him to be that  tall. He actually looked scary now.

- This better be important, or... else.  -  he grunted, but joined her inside now.

She explained about Gao Xi's hysteria, and then the fact that there was no one in Katherine's room, and finally said matter-of-factly:

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