〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 5: Despair.

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Corresponding chapter in  WangXian: Trial And Error[Virgin.]


A few days later, Lan Huan was at the bar after work again, watching the object of his infatuation thirstily. 

Good god, he had never before seen such grace! This boy was just delicious... His fine features, his flowing movements... It was incredible just to watch him! He vaguely wondered if he had ever studied ballet  –  he truly had the elegance of a ballet dancer.

He watched him pour the drink for him, and he knew he was going to regret drinking it next morning. But he couldn't say "no".  He couldn't go home. Not now.  No. He wanted to, he had to steal some more time, at least watch him some more, enjoy the magical dance of his hands, enjoy the music in his voice, the wild fire in his eyes...

He knew this was his new obsession. He knew well that he was overworked and overstressed with the new case that was now  –  quite unpleasantly so  –  gaining national interest in all the media. He knew he needed his mind off things, the things from work.

God, he would give anything to have sex with this dream-come-true that was handing him a glass of amber whiskey over the counter! Sex would definitely help him relax...

He sighed. He knew he was drunk  when he blurted out, because it was too soon, and it was too late too, and he momentarily regretted it:

- Do you have a girlfriend?

Jiang Cheng gasped. 

How could this idiot  be so direct with a total stranger?! What kind of person would ask that?!  He frowned again; he knew the answer: a rude one!

- This is none of your business, sir.  –  he said coldly.

- I... I am so sorry!  –  Lan Huan mumbled, slurring the words and looking down, now focusing on the expensive drink his long fingers were nervously playing with.  –  I'm sorry.

- No more whiskey for you tonight, sir. Fuck tips and fuck turnover.

Jiang Wanyin turned his back on him and moved to the far side of the bar, leaving him all alone to gawk now. He was watching him sheepishly; the young man was now smiling  broadly for someone else, as he was chattering with two ladies, who were blushing abundantly,  far too happy to have the full attention of the pretty bartender. They ordered two Cokes, giggling like schoolgirls. Lan Xichen was watching it all with dark eyes, sulking like a kid.

Jiang Wanyin never smiled for him. What did they have that he didn't have?  Was he really so... unlovable?

He downed the whole whiskey in one go, and his stomach turned. He felt sick, his head felt like it was stuffed full of needles-ridden cotton.

He needed to be with someone. He couldn't bear to be alone right now. He felt he wanted to strangle the two women who were stealing his lovely Wanyin's smiles...

He growled and grabbed his phone, dialing a number, true  –  dialing it with some difficulty.

- Fuck. I am drunk.  –  he mumbled under his nose, irritated by his own foolishness tonight.

- What?!  –  Lan Wangji scoffed on the line, and that alone was enough to make him grin again, his mood jumping 180 degrees too easily.

- Di? Is it...  –  he hiccupped.  -   ... a bad time? I am at the bar... and I...

- Ge, it's a bad time.  –  he grumbled, the cheeky brat.

- Ehhh, I thought I might come by... You place is closer...   –  he hiccupped again.  -  ... than mine.

- Ge, it's a bad idea.

Lan Huan sulked. 

He didn't like it when people were saying "no" to him. 

Why was everyone tonight saying "NO!" to him?!? It was a conspiracy, he was sure of it!

- I'm sorry. Call a cab. Can we talk tomorrow?  –  his brother hissed, too irritated.

- What's going...  –  he hiccupped yet again, it was getting painful now, the whiskey was dancing in his stomach, dangerously coming back up.  -  ... on, Wangji? Do you... oh... do you have a girl in there?! Haaa!

Lan Xichen was too happy to babble on the phone with his younger brother, especially now, when he was drunk and lonely. And usually, Lan Zhan would oblige, but today he sounded kind of... especially cranky.

- Well, I hope you haven't called for a hooker?  Di?!?

Lan Huan was giggling like a girl; he knew his brother well   -   sadly, that was a thing too impossible to ever happen. Women made Wangji sick for some reason... Strange.

He suddenly gasped sharply, and bubbled excitedly over the phone:

- Wangji, I think you are gay!!!

- I AM HANGING UP NOW!!!   -   Lan Zhan exploded over the phone and surely enough hung up with a bang.

Lan Huan grinned again. 

He loved his brat of a brother too much. Even a grumpy Wangji was able to fix his mood so quickly!

For a moment he philosophically considered going to his brother's place for a surprise visit, but then he reconsidered

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For a moment he philosophically considered going to his brother's place for a surprise visit, but then he reconsidered. He really hoped  he was with a hooker! It was high time someone burst his cherry, he was so tense  all the time!

He lazily called for a taxi, and left whatever money he found in his wallet on the counter for Jiang Wanyin to find. Fuck the tip indeed!

And on his way home he thoughtfully considered calling a hooker for himself.

No. No.


[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now