〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 24: Not A Double Date!!! (Part 3)

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Corresponding chapter in WangXian: Trial And Error:  [Lan Wangji//\\Jiang Cheng]


Jiang Cheng was watching, too amazed, as Wei Wuxian dragged Lan Huan out of the bar, and what was far worse  –  Lan Huan let him. 

He had been watching the three of them  –  the disgusting PDAs, Lan Xichen's dark mood, the laughter and the frowning. It all felt important to him. He was truly grateful that there weren't many people tonight. He was grateful for the bad weather too.

Watching Lan Huan's snow white shirt disappear in the blizzard outside, his face fell. It seemed that he wouldn't have a chance to talk to him tonight. He could only hope that those two idiots would leave, and soon! He had watched them make out and blush like some retards  –  it was horrible.

Now the one who was obviously Lan Xichen's  infamous  brother was left behind, and he looked like a statue, drinking his beer at regular sips, as if it was some sort of an obligation.  He rolled his eyes. Why was Lan Xichen so crazy worried for this one?! He looked so dull and un-special, and Jiang Cheng had sincerely thought he'd be a lot younger.

Seeing the empty bottle, he approached him; he was still at work after all.

- Would you like another one, sir?   –  he asked stiffly, not really caring. He didn't like him.

- Why are you breaking my brother's heart?  –   the boy grumbled now, staring straight into his face insolently.

Jiang Cheng frowned. This was nobody's business. He owed no explanation. But the cheeky, cold boy never looked away.

- I never asked him to do all the things he's been doing! Actually, I should be the one complaining!  –   he huffed, exasperated.

- Really?   –   Lan Wangji said slowly.  –   Can't you just tell him you are not interested? Why are you torturing him? Toying with him so?

Jiang Wanyin looked into his dark face carefully.  Was this what he was really doing?!

- I...   -  he stammered, confused and flushed.   –   I tried. He is... very... persistent.   –   he blushed, remembering all the soft words, the kind gestures...

- He is.  –  Lan Wangji pushed the empty bottle his way, giving him a nonchalant sign he wanted another. –  He likes winning.  It is his nature.

Jiang Cheng nodded slightly and opened up a new beer bottle. He was awfully thankful that his boss was not here tonight   –  the beer was supposed to be poured into a special glass and served with a special napkin, but, looking at the teen clothes the young man in front of him was wearing   –   he doubted he'd appreciate it. And Wei Wuxian was out of the picture, fully and totally,  thank god!

- I see that.   –  he mumbled, feeling hot all of a sudden.  –  He... He has done a lot for me. And I am really grateful. But... he... he always demands so much.  He wants it all.  And I cannot give him all.  –   he blushed; his words had just sounded vaguely sexual.

- True.  –   Lan Wangji took a sip thoughtfully, surprising him by agreeing with him.

- Anyway. It's over now.  And just how did you manage to hook up with Wei Wuxian of all people?!   –   he scoffed now, still amazed at what he'd seen. It was hardly believable. Like a sci-fi movie of sorts. Of the horror sub-genre.

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora