〽️👁‍🗨 Chapter 79: My Promise.

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Lan Huan woke up quite late the next day, and because of his phone. 

Last night had begun as such a confusing mess that he had totally forgotten to turn it off, although he had told himself to do so about a million times.

He reached out, carefully, as not to wake his lover up  –  Jiang Cheng was sleeping, cuddled into him on his left. His right hand now swiped and unlocked the screen  –  a message.

A message from Wangji. 

His heart suddenly skipped a beat. It was usually him who texted first. Who texted always.  His brother only replied (or rather did not  reply to messages).

* Ge, Wei Ying will be discharged from the hospital on the 30th. I cannot possibly leave him home alone on the 31st because of mom's idiotic ideas! What should I do, Ge? *

He blinked a couple of times. He could not remember just when they were supposed to travel overseas. Was it the 30th? The 31st?

Ughhh, probably not the 31st, right? Was he an idiot?! How could they celebrate New Year's in Taipei if they were still on the plane?!

But this meant...

For one selfish, greedy moment he fantasized that he might be able to avoid  the family dinner this month. It would have been such a relief... Especially now, now that he was so in love, and so loved... When he was so profoundly happy.

But no. No. He could not possibly inflict such hell upon his brother, it was far too cruel.

He had to call someone. Who? It was fucking Christmas...

He chuckled quietly to himself. 

Of course he had someone he could always rely on. His finger slid back and he searched for Du Shuangyu's number in his contacts. His brain lazily reminded him just where those fingers had been a couple of hours ago, but he didn't quite care. Today, right now, he cared about almost nothing.

Just him... Him...

He smiled and returned the phone to the night stand next to the bed. His loved one was sleeping blissfully, probably exhausted after last night. Every time Jiang Wanyin turned in bed, he made a soft purring sound, always searching for him, to hug him, to hold him.

Lan Huan realized that he was staring. 

The beautiful body in his arms was resting, and he gently caressed it, using this rare opportunity of such absolutely full access. There were still some healing traces from their mad petting from two days ago, and he bit his lips. Just how much pain was his lover in? How painful would today be for him  –  once he woke up...?

Last night he had lost control, and it was wrong

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Last night he had lost control, and it was wrong. He had promised himself that he would be gentle on their first night, but his lover was so hot, his lips were so sweet, his words  –  driving him crazy so much... He couldn't help himself. He lost himself last night.

[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now