〽️👁‍🗨Chapter 2: 'That sweet ass!'

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- Hey! Hey, Boss!  Congrats on the new case! They say it's gonna be the case of the century!  –  Gao Xi knew he was going to irritate Lan Xichen, but he could afford it  –  his boss always relaxed a lot better after the long working hours, and this was his favorite bar for some reason.

- Asshole!  –  Lan Xichen hissed, but smirked at the same time.

The company of four young lawyers were getting seated comfortably at the bar  –  this was their usual place, as they were regulars here.

The company of four young lawyers were getting seated comfortably at the bar  –  this was their usual place, as they were regulars here

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Oh, but the Death&Co.  seemed to be sent by the gods, just for their convenience. 

The bar was literally perfect.  One just had to cross the street from the building where their law firm resided  –  and voila!  –  you found yourself in a dark, smoky and magical place, their boss's favorite! Even on their heaviest, most stressful days, just the sentence "Hey, Boss, let's get down to the  Death  for a drink!"  was absolutely enough to fix Lan Xichen's mood.

- Ughh, let's not talk about work any more! Everyone knows the D.A. just hates our firm!  –  Katherine pouted, her eyes searching to find the bartender now.

- Too right, my lady!  –  Gao Xi purred.

Lan Xichen rolled his eyes. 

Those two were chasing after each other's asses for months now, but the young minx seemed to be enjoying toying with the promising young man too much for some reason. Gao Xi was the best up-and-coming lawyer in the firm and he was sure he was going places, and soon. 

And Katherine Yang was sexy. 

Not beautiful, just sexy, and she knew it. Her clothes were... inappropriate  for court, but she was very bright and street smart, and she had good connections with the mob, and some of the city's street gangs. She was definitely an asset, her sources of information  -  numerous, and she loved being bait, both in Court, and in front of the police,  which was too rare for a talented and  wealthy lady-lawyer nowadays.

 She was definitely an asset, her sources of information  -  numerous, and she loved being bait, both in Court, and in front of the police,  which was too rare for a talented and  wealthy lady-lawyer nowadays

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[曦澄 | XiCheng][MDZS Modern AU]: All The Things I Never Told You [~PART 1~]Where stories live. Discover now