chapter 79-80

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Chapter 79
When it comes to the most critical time to survive, everyone...

    Xu Pingyuan kept staring at Nian Yuqing, for fear that they would have another bad idea.

    Bai Niannian is very calm. In fact, things that he understood when he was a child are not at all sad now.

    In the past year and a half, it's just to let her see more clearly.

    So, Guan Nian Yuqing mother and son?

    Bai Niannian felt that he didn't have a ring on his head, and he didn't look like the Virgin Mary.

    She didn't take revenge, she was already looking at the only mother-daughter blood relationship.

    Still hoping to save them?

    That's impossible.

    What's more, Lin Hening obviously has supernatural abilities. They can live well as long as they work hard, so why bother with themselves?

    "Hmph, they obviously have supernatural abilities, and they still want to hold on to you. I think they are thinking about eating peaches." Hu Xue was a little unhappy, and whispered to Bai Niannian.

    After saying a sentence, after thinking about it, he continued: "It's our fault, we should wear something dirty."

    The avocado green jacket from the garment factory is ready, and Bai Niannian is wearing this today.

    The colors are fresh and the new clothes are clean.

    Of course, not only she wore it, but Hu Xue also wore it.

    Originally, Yu Jing wanted to wear it, and wanted to wear a couple's outfit secretly, but when Hu Xue was wearing it, he took it off again.

    Probably because Bai Niannian looks very good now and wears good clothes, and life must be better, so I want to pick it up.

    "Don't worry about them." Bai Niannian didn't want to pay attention to it or think about it.

    Just live your day.

    Nian Yuqing was still scolding, and every now and then Xu Pingyuan would scold back.

    Of course, Xu Pingyuan would not spit out swear words easily, because considering the underage children in the team, but scolding without swearing words sometimes hurts his heart.

    Nian Yuqing lost her voice several times. Bai Niannian listened to it and couldn't help but want to laugh.

    They quickly collected the machines in the workshop on the first floor, and then went to the second floor.

    However, a team kindly reminded: "There are a lot of zombies on the second floor, which is not very safe."

    Most of the biological company's pharmaceutical materials are in the factory warehouse on the first floor. There are really not many on the second floor, just some on the assembly line.

    So, everyone has not ventured up yet.

    Seeing Yu Jing and the others wanting to join, for fear that they would just get on the team recklessly, they hurriedly reminded them.

    "Thank you." The other party was also kind, Yu Jing could feel it, and after nodding to express his gratitude, he maintained the formation and took people up.

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